Thursday, January 31, 2008

HOLY ANGELS and work

It's really hard trying to squeeze in all the activities that I used to do on a daily basis with my current schedule. I barely watch television, go on the internet and read the papers. And man do I miss reading the newspaper.

Anyway, I got home around 12noon. Aj and Princess were inviting me to go with them to SM but I declined the offer because I'd rather stay home and rest for the meantime than exhaust myself more walking around a mall. I'll do that on my day off. Maybe even visit Manila if I'm lucky.

The other day, Hershey, my co-trainee, was bringing some chocolates and it was the silliest chocolate bar name I've seen.

Isn't that just silly? :D

Speaking of Holy Angels, HAU is having their annual university days this week. It's always a 3-day event with rides and entertainment. I never really attended the UDAYS religiously, but I was always looking forward to watching the CAR SHOW on the first day. The cars they showcase are off the charts and look so freakin tight that every time I'm around them, I feel like I'm on "Pimp My Ride". I love the Volkswagen Beetles. I actually had a photo taken last year with one of the owners but unfortunately, it is currently store in my virus-infected USB. BOO!

Everyone at work has been busting their asses on calls non-stop. I think our mentors are so fed up with us asking them pretty much the same question everytime we encounter a concern with a customer that we don't know how to take care of. I'm still confused with the system but I'm learning something new everyday which is a good thing. I just have to concentrate more and listen carefully with the customer's concern. And let me just say, it's really hard trying to understand the Americans over the phone because of their accents and the reception. I'm lucky that most of the people I get to talk to are okay. How I wish that every customer was a breath of fresh air.

After today's shift, we took some photos around IQOR.

Oh, and I finally got my first paycheck. Happy me. :)


Sunday, January 27, 2008

the week that was

My younger brother accidentally caught me giving Arence a peck on the cheek this evening. How awkward and silly. hihi

In other not so silly news, I am soooo happy about the return of the comeback of the err.. our DSL! Yes. Somehow, our internet connection was cut out (and without solid reason) for about four days. Damn whatever caused this because I was DEAD for four days due to this fortunately short incident. I hope this never happens again. No one can take the internet away from moi. Never. (drama ends here)

I haven't posted anything in here for more than a week already and I really miss blogging (it's my favorite pastime and thing to do when I procrastinate). This entry will be very random so excuuuse me. I'll post a more decent entry next time I promise.


Finally got to watch "Sweeney Todd" on the big screen with Arence. We went to SM Clark by mistake but luckily when we got to Robinsons Balibago, we were able to catch the next showing time for the flick. The theater was empty, well not really. We were only 10 in the whole room and I think all couples at that (except for the one viewer who was bringing a kid with her which I thought was wrong) I felt kind of stupid upon entering the doors because I actually didn't know that it was an R-18 movie!

The movie was fantastic in a gruesome, bloody kind of way. I love how the flick was in shades of black, white and grey and that the only vibrant color was the color of BLOOD. It certainly is one of the most unique movies I've seen so far. I love the irony of it being a musical and a horror/thriller/suspense or whatever type of movie it is. I got soo kilig when Johnny Depp started singing. Helena Bonham Carter did an excellent job as well. I once again bow to the great master of all things eerie, weird and extraordinary-Tim Burton.

Went jeans hunting with Arence at SM but were out of luck. Decided to consume the rest of the time playing at the arcade. Had dinner at a carinderia outside the mall and went to the carnival across the street. I swear I'm never riding any more big swingy boats in the future.
As fun as this day was, it was also one of the saddest for me and practically the world who knew Heath Ledger.

A little tribute to the actor who would soon become a legend for playing the best damn Joker role ever..

I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair.
I hate the way you drive my car.
I hate it when you stare.
I hate your big dumb combat boots, and the way you read my mind.
I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme.
I hate the way you're always right.I hate it when you lie.
I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry.
I hate it when you're not around, and the fact that you didn't call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you.
Not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.

Does anybody remember this? "10 Things I Hate About" was the first movie I saw Heath Ledger in. It saddens me that he passed away just like that. Sounds cheesy, but I was affected and still am affected by his sudden death. I still can't believe he's gone. I'm just glad that he was able to make the performance of his life in Batman Dark Knight. I'm sure a lot of people will be watching this movie now because of this tragedy. Nevertheless, I am still looking forward and after his role as the JOKER. I really think that he made a much much better job at portraying the villain than Jack Nicholson (no offense though). Rest in peace Heath Ledger.

Did nothing but sleep and eat at work. Was supposed to have our final exam but was moved to Saturday. I really can't remember much about my Wednesday and Thursday really except for that.

Day off. Slept the whole day. Then, I couldn't sleep anymore.

Dad took me to work. We had breakfast at Jolibbee while we waited for the shuttle bus to arrive. Finally took our final exam and I'm happy to anounce that I passed although I really need to practice my navigation skills more because the system is still confusing. Nevertheless, I think I'll get through the frustration. After work, Arence and his aunts picked me up at the Mini Stop near Iqor and headed to Nayong Pilipino. Was really pissed that I wasn't bringing the digicam because former president, Fidel V. Ramos was there. I can't believe that I saw him. He was really nice and he took photos with everyone. Well, everyone except us that is. Then we went to Parkson and SM on the way home. Was exhausted to the highest level this day and was overly relieved to have gotten home that day.

It's been a busy busy week. I hardly have time to go on the the net anymore or do my usual daily routines. Having a job is exciting but also has its consequences.

Really excited for the 30th. Of course of course, it's sweldo time na. I'll be receiving my first paycheck in 3 days time and I can't wait. Everyone can't wait! Until then, I gotta get my ass to work everyday and hopefully, in a month's time, I'll be rolling in the big bucks! I'm so ambisyoso haha

Monday, January 14, 2008

just like an owl

Training at 5am this morning was postponed-thanks to Mamee She's text- and moved tonight at 8pm. THANK GOD. I haven't slept yet and I've been awake since 10.30 last night and it's already 9am. Almost twelve hours awake and still no hint of me getting sleepy. I really really hope that I'll be able to get some decent sleep later in the afternoon.

Because I couldn't sleep, I decided to take advantage of the time being and watched the DVD I bought the other week. I was able to watch 3 movies in the past 9 hours or so: Laws of Attraction, Intolerable Cruelty and The Lady Killers. Oh, and I continued where I left off when I watched The Break-up the other time. I was surprised with the ending of Break-up. Totally unexpected.

Speaking of movies, Arence and I finally got to watch National Treasure: Book of Secrets yesterday afternoon. You better watch this movie because it is one of the best movies I've seen so far and is obviously better than the first one. This sequel to the first movie is more jam-packed with action, puzzling clues, comedy and a whole lot more. I just wonder if this movie could ever be true cuz if it were, well, I would love it even more. But then again, most of these kinds of treasure and mystery solving clues about history are almost always fiction.

I am still utterly frustrated and disgusted by the way my hair looks. I swear to gahd I am never ever going back to that salon. Ever. I'm having this dilemma whether to keep it as it is or have it fixed at this salon where I usually have my hair cut. They cut ok and the haircutter, Lyks/Lyx, always seems to know how to fix my hair well when I've had a bad incident. Why didn't I get my haircut there instead? Honestly? I wanted to try something different. But I know better now.

It's time for me to get moving and to get away from the PC. This addiction with the internet has got to minimize or I'll end up with bigger and darker eye bags in the future.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

job clueless

Orson is really addictive.

Training is going pretty well. Had our first look at the system last night. I'm really excited to learn how the whole operation works. Interesting things like these are fun for me even if they don't sound like it. Too bad we weren't able to do hands-on though, but I'm pretty sure we will in a couple of days. *fingers crossed.

I haven't gotten my clearances yet. I need one of each from the barangay, the police and the NBI. Now how am I supposed to accomplish all these by friday? I'm such a ninny. Even my SSS form is whack. I haven't the slightest idea how to answer the darn sheet. Is that wrong? Uuugh. Please forgive my incompetence, it's my first job so I really don't know anything about the requirements.

I finally found a solution for my hair problem and it didn't require another trip to the salon. From now on, I will tie my hair until it grows out and reaches my shoulder at the least. I just want to kill myself everytime I look in the mirror with that hideous cut. Thank gahd someone invented elastics.

In other news, my bestfriend, Glenda, is gracing the pages of this month's issue of Marie Claire. How she even got there, I have no idea. haha just kidding!! Well, I actually really don't know how, but the reason I know - she made the illustrations for the horoscope of the mag. She did great and I'm not just saying that because she's my BFF. She really is a GOOD artist. I always admired her works even when we weren't acquainted until first year highschool. It turned out, she was the same girl in the art class I took years ago and whaddya know, we eventually became friends and turned out to be BESTFRIENDS. Pretty much one of the best things that has happend to me and to have happened in my life. Aaaaaw.

She thinks the photo they chose for the page is crummy but I absolutely love it. Can't wait to taste Sonja's cupcakes. Mmmm!

Anyway, I'm off to the city hall in a bit. Just waiting for mi amor to arrive. And while doing so, I'm going to indulge myself in some Sophie Ellis Bextor music. =]

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

my first day of training

First day of training at the call center and I was this close to being late.


I'm STUPID. hahaha

Well, not exactly. I just got the time mixed up. Instead of 8pm, I thought our training was at 11pm. Good thing when I woke up from my afternoon nap at 7:30 in the evening, Hershey texted me and that's when I realized that she was right about the time of the training. My mom and dad where in a panic last night and it was actually funny to see them in distress. I had 30 mins left to reach IQOR and we all knew I wasn't going to make it if I commuted. Thankfully and coincidentally, my cousin Lan-Lan was just nearby and was able to give me a ride to Clark with me and my parents. And fortunately enough, I made it right on time. Man was I lucky. Being tardy isn't one of my characteristics and I intend to always be punctual at anything.

After waiting at the cafeteria for more than 15 minutes, the trainor arrived and led us to the training room on the second floor. Miss Vinnie, our trainor for the day had a very friendly quality which was surprising for me because I thought our trainor would be a toughie. She dressed well, had the cutest laugh and was really pretty. She made all of us comfortable with her perky attitude and with all the fun games she made us do for us to get to know each other more. We got to introduce each other to the class, played human bingo and the hilarious FUZZY DUCK game. We got to discuss about customer satisfaction, service and advocacy last night. It's sad that I used to know these topics but I couldn't even remember the simple definition to customer satisfaction. Either my memory gap is getting worse or I didn't listen to my teachers when they were discussing them in school.

During the breaks, me and my co-trainees got to talk with each other. I'm soo glad that I was transferred to Sprint. I love my co-trainees! We almost instantly clicked in the first few hours of training. We are such a diverse crowd but even so, we bonded easily as if we already knew each other for a long time. My co-trainees are also very open minded which is great. You could talk to them about anything under the sun and they are really funny and friendly. I have yet to feel someone in the group who is plastic and I hope that I never do.

My first day of training was great. I learned a lot and had fun at the same time. Met new friends and met Vinnie's boss who kept dropping by and telling all these hilarious stories. It was tiring but fun and I can't wait to do it again tonight. Cheerio!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Two days after the start of the new year and I'm already being ironic.

We finally got our DSL connected today. The technicians from Digitel came over this morning to connect the router and voila! I'm in business. Test running the speed was incredible. If it weren't for our old CPU, it would run faster. Uploading and downloading now is a breeze, which I am taking full advantage of. I was able to download Yahoo Messenger in 6 mins which would have taken an hour with our 49.2 kbps speed before. THANK YOU MY DSL.

In other not so good news, I got my hair cut today. and it was awful. I wanted a layered cut, but unfortunately, the person who cut my hair apparantly didn't know the style. Each and everytime, I end up getting the haircut I don't desire. My hair will forever be doomed to atrocious hairstyles and cuts. I was hoping this time, getting a haircut would be a piece of cake. I was wrong. Now I have to bear the unbearable. My new 'do makes me look thinner even more and it'll be hard dressing up because I have to match the clothes with the hair. This is going to be a challenging everyday chore.

Salons here in Angeles can be very tricky let alone very risky. Ever since this one gay haircutter cut my hair the way I didn't want it, I became so traumatized over the fact of getting another haircut especially if they were GAY. I have nothing against GAY people in general, but GAY haircutters really scare the shit out of me. Feeling ng mga iba ang gagaling nila mangupit pero sa totoo, they suck! F*** it.

Having a horrendous hairdo this new year is the worst thing that could ever happen. It's the least thing I would want to get but I got it anyway. I know it's just hair and it'll all grow back but I can't stand it. The 'do just isn't me. I hope I can do something about it, make it better you know.