Monday, May 19, 2008

3 celebrations and 1 year older

Numbers are just numbers. Age doesn't matter ika nga. But as the days, the months and the years pass by, you'll slowly realize that you are really 13 going on 30.

It's nice to know that I'm still alive after 21 years of living in this bizarre and crazy paradise called earth. I've stepped into the age where responsibilities really kick in and into the age wherein your folks bug you about getting a job or getting married and all that shit. But unfortunately, I haven't graduated yet but I'm happy to say that I' currently in a stable job so far.

It's funny how I tend to forget that the second digit of my age changes every year. There was a time when I last year when I was filling up a form of some sort, and instead of writing 20 on the blank line after the word "AGE", I actually wrote 18. Utterly silly don't you think?

People think that when you get older, it's not fun anymore when actually the fun is just getting started. I am having so much fun right now that I had before. I'm not saying that I didn't enjoy my years before but because I'm all grown up and actually know the meaning of the word RESPONSIBILITY, it's given me a new perspective on life. Getting older isn't so bad, it just depends on the person on how he or she sees it. And I see it as a lot more opportunities and adventures yet to come.

So last Wednesday, I officially turned 21. It wasn't the most exciting of all experiences but it wasn't the dullest one either. I had fun celebrating my birthday last Saturday with my relatives. Along with my lola, uncle, cousin and mom, we all blew out our birthday candles with three of the cakes my mom made for all the birthday celebrants this merry month of May. Then last Wednesday, the family and I had an early dinner at Flavors of China before I went to work. It was a rush birthday for me really but fun nonetheless. Dad was sweet enough to purchase a lipgloss for me over at Elianto. Then yesterda, I treated everyone to pizza and ice cream. YUM!

I still feel that when someone asks me about my age, I would unconsciously still blurt out "20". Hopefully not because I really wouldn't want to mislead anyone about my age because I am proud of how old (or young) I am. It's just funny that I get older every year but people still look at me like I'm some kind of 16 year old kid (physically I mean) and it's really annoying. I want to look my age man! lolz Anyway, it's been a long, busy week and I haven't really gotten the time to unwind and relax. I can't wait to get regularized at work so I can get work leaves already. ^_^

Photos of my birthday are available at my MULTIPLY site. :)

Monday, May 12, 2008


My old blog was usually filled with rants and not so good things about my life. And when I decided to create another one just for the heck of it, I promised myself that I would only post things that include the feeling of being happy and moments that I would want to look back on years from now. But I thought to myself, leaving real emotions aside and not sharing them in my blog would just sound all weird together if every entry would be a "nice" one.

So today, I wasn't feeling really well. Emotionally that is. The whole day I was very bitchy and indifferent. I think I'm just having one of those days I guess. And to let out my frustrations, I am going to rant. Please bear with me on this one, I loved doing this in my old blog. I kinda missed it and this is the only outlet that I can shout them out without anybody getting hurt.

Here goes.


In the cinema:

1. People who answer calls while the movie is rolling (bat di kaya nila isilent phone nila in first the place? if the call is that important, tatawag din ulit yung caller and you can do that when the movie is over. Or better yet, answer your gaddam phone outside)
2. Movie goers who text throughout the entire duration of the movie (nanuod ka pa ng sine noh? tas yung ringtone mo anlakaslakas as if you own the theatre)
3. Parents who scold their children and kids who are really noisy (next time, if you know magiingay anak mo sa sinehan, leave them at home. PLEASE LANG.)
4. Lovers who take advantage of the dark place (like hello??! get a room people! never heard of a MOTEL?? dami nun sa Balibago)
5. People who side comment. (you guys are not helping. REALLY.)
6. Gays who can't keep their excitement and mouth shut. (They're just too damn noisy especially kapag may gwapong lead actor, nagwawala mga lola nyo)
7. Cinemas that stink.

About living in AC:
1. It's so boring here (I think I've been to every nook in the city and honestly, I'm really not amused anymore)
2. People don't really mind their business. (they just don't.)
3. People here tend to be "bana" (example nalang ako. I know I have this metal around my body, but please, a glance is all that is needed. Not a 3o sec stare, head to toe look and a side comment)
4. SM CLARK is such a drag. (I love malls, but SM Clark is draggy already)
5. There are no good restaurants to eat at anymore. (been there and done that to every fastfood, streetfood, cafe, restaurant in town and it's just annoying to have minimal choices)
6. It stresses the hell out of me.
7. There are no hangout places to go to. (except the occasional coffee shops here and there)
8. SAX and BULK LINE are so 5 years ago.
9. The music scene here.. NO COMMENT.

*I hate how I have to deal with my new retainers and that I have to wear them for 6 months. Right now I'm having the hardest time talking. How am I supposed to work when every word I utter has an S attached to it.

* I'm again frustrated about my hair because it is growing out really ugly. I love how it is still straight and all, but the cut is bugging the hell out of me. I need a new do, maybe with bangs so I can hide my humongous forehead. But I am shitty scared to get a haircut in this place.

It's a lot no? This is a load off my back by writing this entry. If only I had some alternative outlet where I can let these frustrations out without the whole entire world knowing, that would be much better.

But on a lighter and happier note.. Von, my classmate in college saw me walk by Michelle's in SM this afternoon and ran out to greet me a happy birthday. We aren't that close yet he managed to remember my birthday and putting a smile on my frowny face today. So that's one fixer upper that I really needed.

2 more days til my birthday.. I wish I get a Red Ribbon or Goldilocks cake. haha

Saturday, May 10, 2008

surprise party and a taho incident

Hi everyone! Did you miss me? I'm guessing not really. haha

It's another beautiful Sunday morning. 3 hours of sleep yet I feel so energetic and so alive. I wish I'd feel this way everyday of the week. Yesterday was awesome, let me tell you why.

So a week ago, my uncle and my mom planned this surprise party specifically for my lola because it was her birthday on the 9th. But what happened to be just one celebration for my grandma conspired to become one whole bash for all the MAY celebrants last night! It was a surprise alright. I had such a hard time to deciding if I would still show up for work but I really couldn't resist. I had a cake with my name on it (well, along with my mom's and cousin's name). It was really tempting because we don't have celebrations like this often. So I called my still sleeping supervisor and informed him I wouldn't be coming in for work. I think he got pissed because I woke him up, but it was time he woke up anyway. My supervisor, we have this love-hate relationship at work> He's just crazy lolz

As usual, everyone was there. Just sad a bit because my other gal cousins weren't around. I was practically the only female cousin last night. But nevertheless, that didn't stop me from enjoying the rest of the evening. When lola arrived from church along with Tita Rowh and Tito Lito, we all began to gather around and greet her and started to light the cakes. We had 3 cakes with all the celebrants' names on them. It was fun blowing the candles out all at the same time. At the end of the night tho, I never had a slice of cake. ahe

Took a lot of photos last night but not really good ones (or so I think). I wasn't able to get decent group shots of the family because everyone was eating when I was taking photos and when they were done, I forgot all about it. I hungout in Mike's room with the rest of my brothers and guy cousins. Talked about Jeff Dunham and Achmed and watched a very funny vid of Ken (from L'arc~en~ciel) falling down on stage while performing with his band. I really didn't socialized that much that night because I just honestly wanted to relax and not tire myself. But I got tired eventually due to laughing out loud and eating a lot of food.

Speaking of food, we had the most extravagant menu last night. We had the largest tuna belly, chicken teriyaki, romaine salad, some pork bbq, fish fillet, some kind of beef dish and carrot bars for dessert. Oh it was heavenly alright. Too bad that I wasn't able to get another plateful. I had a lot of mangoes tho. MANGGOOOES! Yes, I love mangoes. ^_^

The other night on our way home from work, there was this jerk who almost bumped me over with his car. The bastard wasn't looking when we was trying to backup his car. And he didn't even have his light on that's why my co-workers and I didn't bother staying away from the vehicle that was parked along the sideway. I was a couple of centimeters away from having my hip injured but thank goodness for my reflexes I was able to make iwas agad. I was holding a cup of taho when it happened and I almost wanted to throw it at him but I thought to myself "Sayang, my laman pa. Tignan ko nalang ng masama". Kaso I really had this urge to throw it at the guy. My friends were telling me that I should've thrown it, so when the guy finally got to the road, I threw it. Then he stopped and I said "Oops, sorry ha!" Then I did a peace sign pacutely and smiled. hahahahahaha That was a lot of fun. I thought he was going to get out his car when he stopped and stared at us but he didn't. I wish he did, I wanted to punch him! I really wanted to throw it inside the car but that was too mean for me. The look on his face after throwing the cup of taho was priceless.


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

metal free smile

After 2 years of having to deal with food getting stuck between rows of metal, I finally said goodbye to my braces. Yes, this is one step closer to a metal free body.

When my dentist texted last week informing me that I'll be getting my braces off, I didn't know what to feel. I wasn't really excited but actually tense and hesitant. I wanted them off for the longest time already, but now that I have them off, it feels like something's missing. I know I know, normal lang yan, but I like how I look with braces. The feeling of having metal in my mouth is so dorky which I love. But nothing is more dorky than a set of retainers. Now that's what I would call the ultimate dork accessory. lolz

Anyway, I'm still trying to adjust. I really haven't looked in the mirror that often and check out my teeth. I dunno, I feel weird smiling now and even if they look straighter, it's as if I don't want them that way. WEIRD. But I'm glad they're off. I miss grinning without parts of my braces showing ^_^

On another note, I just had the most fun weekend ever. Right after work last Sunday, I went straight to Manila to meet up with Arence. Since he wasn't going home that weekend, I decided to pay him a visit and the great city as well. I just luuuurv being in MANILA.

I arrived at McDo Lacson around 6:00 in the morning. As I expected, Arence fell asleep again that's why he wasn't at the meeting place when I got there. Luckily, Earlzon was still up at that time so he was sweet enough to meet me at McDo. After he took me to the apartment, Arence and I tried our best to get back to sleep because we had a long day ahead of us. But because we were too excited to see each other we couldn't. And not to mention the frikin heat that made it difficult for us to get some shut eye.

Getting 2 hours of rest wasn't ideal but what the heck, I was not the one to complain that day. Upon waking up, Arence, Jon and I went to look for a good place to eat. We finally ended up having pizza and pasta at a really cozy Italianish restaurant in the area. We had to extra large pizza's and a pasta. It was heavenly. Too bad that we weren't in time for the 2 plus 1 pizza promo tho.

After lunch, Arence and I then headed to Trinoma to watch the ultimate flick of the summer (well for him that is) -IRONMAN. Yep, his obsession, addiction WHATEVER! haha finally was in theaters. And may I just say that the movie was phenomenal. I could've never expected it to turn out that way. Next to the Transformers movie, this is one of the best I've seen so far. Everyone should watch this movie, you'll love it. I especially loved Robert Downey Jr. There is no other actor in this world who could've played the part more perfect than he. I adore the sarcasm. It suited him really well. ^_^ Oh, and you have to stay after the credits if you're planning on watching it. Just a little extra right there.

After the movie, we strolled around the mall, like the mall rats that we are. We were supposed to have dinner at Mr. Kebab but because we were still really full from the pizza lunch that we had, we opted to have some coffee instead. It took us more than 30minutes to get to a coffee place. DAMN that first floor Starbucks that we couldn't find! haha We went to the Coffee Bean instead. It wasn't bad. Their coffee tasted good but we still longed for that Starbucks flare we were craving for in the first place.

Went home after the coffee and met up with Arianne, Earlzon and Jon at the apartment. Had a little midnight get together and some booze while watching Avatar. It was a treat to see them all again. I love his friends. My cup of tea they are. (Did I just do a Yoda right there?) It was funny to think that we just sat there that night watching cartoons lolz But it was a nice night to hangout with really good friends. I always loved their company. :)


Was supposed to wake up at 7am but because my phone's battery died on me, the alarm did not go off. Arence and I got up later that expected and were in a rush to meet up with Glenda in Katipunan. Luckily enough, we got there in one piece. I was so happy to see my best friend. I never get to see her as much as I want to (because of the fact that she is in Manila). Since college started, we only get to see each other 4 times more or less - my birthday, her birthday, Halloween and Christmas. She finally got her birthday gift from me and I am happy to say that she loved it. I think she even loved the paper bag that I drew on more than the gift itself ^_^ My kuya went to McDo as well and it seemed like a double date for the four of us. I'm glad my kuya knows how to socialize na hehe

We got Glenda a little late to her animation class but luckily when we got there, the class hasn't started yet. Or so I think. Then Arence and I decided to trek UP. Well we failed at that. haha It was too darn hot and we surrendered to the heat and headed to Gateway to get some cool air. We just love malls if you haven't noticed. We wanted to eat but we couldn't decide where, so we left and ate at a Japenese-ish restaurant near UST.

That evening, we met up with Mike and girlfriend SAM at gateway to have dinner. I know, my day couldn't have gotten more hectic right? I was supposed to treat the both of them but Mike refused. Arence and I had World of Chicken (OMG.. drool) and they had Wendy's. It was nice that we all got to hangout that night because I don't get to spend much time with Mike and don't often see Sam as well. And it was a rare occasion too because this was the first time Arence really met Sam. After dinner, they all took me to the bus station. And that was the end of my 2-day Manila experience.

Times like those really make me happy. Even though it was exhausting as hell, I wouldn't have traded it for anything else in the world. Being able to spend time with people I love is a treasure and is always a treat. Whether we have a nice meal together, or just hangout and talk about anything. I felt sad leaving Manila that night because I wanted to stay a bit longer. If only it was possible I would. But there will always be next time and I am looking forward for my next trip already.

Anyway, you can check out my MULTIPLY sight for the photos. I think I have 3 separate albums. ENJOY! :)