Sunday, December 30, 2007


I attended mass twice today. Surprisingly, I am still in one piece. Whew.

Coincidentally, the two family reunions that I attended today had a mass included. Someone once said, "Ok lang yan. Just think of it as being blessed twice". Hookay? Anyhow, lunch time was spent at my lola's sister's place in Telabastagan. Every year, we have this reunion on the 30th, another coincidence right here because the reunion from my lola's side (mom's mom) and from my dad's side are exactly on the same date just at different times. And whaddya know, it's also my brother Daryl's birthday. We would always joke him that his birthday was always bonnga because he would always have two separate parties. The only thing missing is the cake, really.

The reunion at my lola's place was okay. I didn't like the food that much though. Same people came from last year and a few additions. Jo was there too, unfortunately she was too shy to mingle with my first cousins. The only person she wanted to mingle with was my brother whom she has this enormous crush on. Spent the extra time after eating taking photos of the event. I saw tito Lloyd's DSLR Canon and I shrank! I really want to own my own DSLR someday. The Sooner the better. Talked to my cousins and aunts and even had the time to have my picture taken with Lola. After what seemed to be like years, people started to leave and it was the best moment of the reunion ever.

We then attended the Henson family reunion (my dad's side) at Francisville around 6.30 pm. This time, the food was excellent and more appetizing than the one served last Christmas and the earlier reunion. For once this Christmas season, I found myself satisfying my palate and my tummy. After having the lychee sherbet dessert, my brothers and I didn't stay long because, well, we were really tired already and we all wanted to go home.

Reunions can be fun but sometimes, they can be boring as hell too especially if you really don't know your relatives that much and have no one to talk to at the event. Nevertheless, I enjoy attending family reunions. They give me this warm feeling knowing that even if families and relatives don't get to see each other that often, reunions feel like it was only yesterday since they last got together.

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