Monday, October 1, 2007

curse the IRONy

I am such an accident-prone freak. I just "accidentally" got burned by Edz' curling iron and man does it hurt! Right before a grand event I get a mark on my right arm. Sheeesh. I'm just glad the one I got on the forehead (yep, one on the forehead) didn't leave a mark. I can just imagine the painful sting when I take a bath tomorrow. YOUCH.

I really should be sleeping by now, getting my BEAUTY rest and all. But noo, I'm still up surfing the internet and updating my blog. I just couldn't let this incident slip from my blog memory. Accidents are still memories and memories are what I plan on scrawling in here.

By the way, I am pleased, ecstatic and giddy to announce that we finally have CABLE! (whoopee!) and I can't wait til the semester ends so I could indulge in some good old television. WOWOW and Lifestyle network here I come. LOLZ

So I guess it's time for me to get some shut eye. FOR NOW that is. (*wink)


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