Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Haloween blues

I'm a bit disappointed this Halloween. The hype that I always had when this day came wasn't present this year. Halloween was supposed to be FUN; it was supposed to be my favorite day of the year. But maybe not this year it ain't. I think it's safe to say that maybe I'm growing up. It's only fair to conclude it because,well, first off, I'm already 20 and secondly, I don't think that the PowerPuff Girls are every girl's superheroes anymore. Enough of the depression attack, on to more happier things!

So, last night I met up with Glenda (aka MY BESTEST BESTFRIEND IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE UNIVERSE) to attend this so-called reunion of some batchmates from highschool. I really thought that we were going to end up with only 5 people that night, thankfully, people started arriving; arriving and hour and half later that is.

We ended up having dinner at Camalig which was great because it's been ages since I last set foot there. I was also coincidentally craving for one of their pizzas which are by the way one of the most delish pizza's in town. I always enjoy devouring pizzas and my usual favorite from their menu is the Doy's Kapampangan which has pickle relish, longganisa and salted eggs as it's topping. Sound gross right? But it's actually tasty you'll be surprised. I didn't order the usual but instead, Glenda and I got a medium Mexican Medley pizza which had tomatoes as one of their main toppings. We loove tomatoes.

After staying at Camalig, the guys wanted some booze so we all went to Zach (because I think beer is cheaper there. Gotta love them 3+1 promos). I wasn't really going to drink that night because I was actually already too full to drink and well, almost out of moolah at that, but what the heck I had one bottle. Glenda had one bottle too and it was quite amusing to see her drink because I've never seen her drink let alone hold a beer bottle. G was never the party girl, but I think college changed that LOL 'Twas a fun filled night with new and old people all together. Hopefully this'll happen again in the future.

Cheers to us Familians!

I love tomatoes but I hate tomato KETCHUP!

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