Monday, December 31, 2007

welcome 2008

So, it's 2:08 am on a Tuesday and the start of the new year. Another year has passed and a new one just ushered in. It's been one hell of a ride, 2007.. But now, I shall bid it farewell and all memories be kept in my mental and emotional diary and be treasured forever.

2007 was great - I made new friends, loved and got hurt, experienced being rejected and accepted at the same time, attended a friend's wedding, went to a carnival, learned a lot of new things and got to know more about myself better above all.

In preparation for the coming of 2008, my mom and I decided to really prepare for the meja noche. Sort of like making up for what happend on Christmas eve wherein we didn't cook a thing thinking that we would be able to have dinner at Chowking after the mass but didn't and ended up eating bread and hotdogs at my grandma's. So right after the mass at 8, we went straight home and had dinner. The dining table was overflowing with food! There was tacos (with all the ingredients like the lettuce, tomatoes, beef and cheef on separate platters), the spaghetti with the tuna sauce and a very big bowl of yummy fruit salad that had an extra kick of fresh juicy strawberries thrown in. It was a fun dinner, everyone was enjoying themselves and the food. Then right after, we took some photos. At last we have a new family portrait, yay!

After lola left, we all did our individual things while waiting for midnight to strike. Mike came back right after he took my lola home. We all watched CARS on the Disney channel which was fun. At exactly 11:30PM (Dec. 31), we lit these candles that my aunt gave us at the reunion. There were seven candles all different in color. Each candle symbolized various aspects of life like peace, wealth, health and etc. We were instructed to put out the flames at 12 midnight and arrange them from smallest to biggest. Then, the candle that melted the quickest will symbolize the good fortune that the New Year would bring us, followed by the rest. I forgot the arrangement but the orange candle died out first which was the gift of BRIGHTNESS. Just what I need this new year.

As the clock struck 12, our next door neighbors began firing out their firecrackers and fireworks to usher in the new year. It was fun to see them all excited and together as one happy family and enjoy the coming of the new year. Like they were, we too were excited and together as one happy family. We were all in my parent's room, fully airconditioned with all the windows and door closed because our living room and dining room smelled of fumes from the firecrackers and smoke coming from the outside. Dad popped out the wine cap and we toasted to a new year ahead of us. The family was never a fan of alcoholic drinks so my brothers really didn't appreciate the wine. I don't like wine but I drank mine anyways and I'm still drinking the leftover right now which I poured in a little bit of Coke as to lessen that bitter taste haha. We had hotdogs, ham and queso de bola then for dessert, there was the blueberry cheesecake my mom made and the mango float I made. We continued to watch CARS and when it finished, we watched Talladega Nights. We then realized that there was a theme to the shows that we were watching this evening. Race cars was it? My mom fell right of to sleep and after a while, Mike went home and Daryl and I tidied up the place so mom wouldn't have to worry about dishes in the sink when she wakes up.

I know it's tradition to have new year's resolution/s after every 365 days and I would like to share some of mine to all of you. I warn you that I may not accomplish everything but I hope for the best and at least do half of the list. I am ready for change especially if it's a change for the better so here goes my 2008 resolutions and goals (not in any particular order). A clean slate ready to be filled..
  1. Do Project 365 (take a picture each day for a year)
  2. Be less lazy, maybe start learning some new things
  3. Spend less time on the internet (haha)
  4. Play my guitar!!
  5. Clean my room at least once a week
  6. Help my family in any way possible
  7. Be more efficient in accomplishing any tasks give
  8. Live life. (socializing, clubbing, and finding more new friends so that I have more chain to hold on to whenever I'm blue).
  9. Practice drawing
  10. Don't stay up so late.
  11. To become more articulate and adept at expressing myself.
  12. To make no excuses, but do what has to be done.
  13. Find my inner peace
  14. Be more optimistic.
  15. PRAY MORE OFTEN and attend mass regularly.
  16. Donate blood (?!?)
  17. Be organized in any aspect of my life
  18. Be happy - genuinely happy.
  19. Read more - because so far, I have only read 2 novels in my 20 years of existence but I'm currently reading Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. Big thanks to Glenda.
  20. Never give up (on anything. no matter what. try, try, try.)
  21. Be open to new experiences.
  22. Take more time for myself. Do what I WANT to do, not what anyone else wants.
  23. Take a risk. A big one. (Something major. That will change my life.)
  24. Stop procrastinating
    Wear my back brace more often
  25. See my dentist regularly
  26. Feed the dogs regularly on time
  27. Be home on time
  28. Be more selfish, because yes, people take advantage of me too much.
  29. Drink beer more. (YES, DRINK BEER)
  30. Get aother tattoo (this isn't a resolution I know but I want to add it here)
  31. Practice more on my Nihonggo. Hai!
  32. Keep in touch with friends whether through text or small get togethers
  33. COOK.
  34. Be more trusting of others
  35. Be less cynical and sarcastic. haha yeah right.

Well, there you have it. MY LIST. It's a pretty long one I know but it's better than nothing. I have more resolutions but I simply can't remember them at the moment. I'm exhausted and I think I'm hitting the sack nah because this red wine is kicking in *hik!

I hope everyone had great start for the year. GOD bless and happy 2008 once more. :)

1 comment:

silly_button said...

the food looks delicious! Christmas and New Years is so different here in the States. Sana nadiyan pa rin ako sa Pinas, napkalungkot ng pasko ko. huhuhu.. and I can't believe you've only read 2 books in your life, you have been missing out my dear.