Wednesday, July 9, 2008

two easy words

I have this teammate at work. We're not really close but there are times that she tries to strike a conversation with me. Sometimes she would just say hi, or ask something like what time our next break is or what the ulam is at the pantry. This particular person does not like me at all and I don't fancy her either.

This person always whines about work, absents herself at times and sleeps on the job. I know that I'm in no position to say things like this but this is my blog so I think I have some right to rant. Her personality is unpredictable; one minutes she's "friendly" and then the next she's a snob (which I think she is most of the time). I can pretty much tolerate people like her but she is really getting on my nerve.

Before, I used to always bring a small bottle of alcohol to sanitize my station because people who use them afterwards leave them dirty for reasons I have no idea of and basically because I'm a bit obsessive compulsive. She took advantage of this little bottle and used it as much as she could; after smoking, when she just feels like sanitizing her hand and to clean her station as well. It's okay if she asks' for some, I really don't mind (I'm not that selfish anyway). But the worst thing besides taking advantage of my ethanol, she does not know how to say THANK YOU.

She does this everytime and it sickens me to know that in her status in life, she can't even afford to buy a tiny bottle of alcohol and to be polite for that matter. I really don't know how she has this characteristic but who can blame her. I really don't want to sound mean but she is crossing the line. It was bad enough that she was all snooty on me when we first got to the floor, ranting about and telling me that I can't sit on this place because apparently she saved all the seats for her buddies, but she basically lacks gratitude toward people and simple gestures. I just find it really offending when you do someone a favor and they don't acknowledge what you've done.

Well, I just hope that she comes to her senses and realizes that her personality isn't very appealing and hopefully tries to do something (better) about it.

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