Monday, September 24, 2007

my first entry to a new blog life

I know, I know.. another blog right? I haven't the slighest clue why I had to create another one. Sheer impulse is what I think happened. Naah. Actually, tell you honestly, I wanted a new one anyway. I just realized that my old blog was overly pathethic and contained so many ugly things about my life. Maybe I'll add some in here too. At any rate, this is my way of starting something new even though everything i know had already begun. Maybe I'll get a kick out of this blog.

Despite all the drama in my chaotic and queer life, I see a change for the better.

In conclusion, the author wishes and hopes to jot down lots of fond memories, future mishaps and lots of misadventures in here (because that's all she's ever getting and will be getting in life) and that she may regain that spark she once had and lost.

Welcome to my blog you freaks!

1 comment:

silly_button said...

Hello Trixie! I've changed the setting so now only blog authors can view my page. My last couple of posts have been quite depressing.Nothing really interesting. I hope you are well!