Tuesday, January 8, 2008

my first day of training

First day of training at the call center and I was this close to being late.


I'm STUPID. hahaha

Well, not exactly. I just got the time mixed up. Instead of 8pm, I thought our training was at 11pm. Good thing when I woke up from my afternoon nap at 7:30 in the evening, Hershey texted me and that's when I realized that she was right about the time of the training. My mom and dad where in a panic last night and it was actually funny to see them in distress. I had 30 mins left to reach IQOR and we all knew I wasn't going to make it if I commuted. Thankfully and coincidentally, my cousin Lan-Lan was just nearby and was able to give me a ride to Clark with me and my parents. And fortunately enough, I made it right on time. Man was I lucky. Being tardy isn't one of my characteristics and I intend to always be punctual at anything.

After waiting at the cafeteria for more than 15 minutes, the trainor arrived and led us to the training room on the second floor. Miss Vinnie, our trainor for the day had a very friendly quality which was surprising for me because I thought our trainor would be a toughie. She dressed well, had the cutest laugh and was really pretty. She made all of us comfortable with her perky attitude and with all the fun games she made us do for us to get to know each other more. We got to introduce each other to the class, played human bingo and the hilarious FUZZY DUCK game. We got to discuss about customer satisfaction, service and advocacy last night. It's sad that I used to know these topics but I couldn't even remember the simple definition to customer satisfaction. Either my memory gap is getting worse or I didn't listen to my teachers when they were discussing them in school.

During the breaks, me and my co-trainees got to talk with each other. I'm soo glad that I was transferred to Sprint. I love my co-trainees! We almost instantly clicked in the first few hours of training. We are such a diverse crowd but even so, we bonded easily as if we already knew each other for a long time. My co-trainees are also very open minded which is great. You could talk to them about anything under the sun and they are really funny and friendly. I have yet to feel someone in the group who is plastic and I hope that I never do.

My first day of training was great. I learned a lot and had fun at the same time. Met new friends and met Vinnie's boss who kept dropping by and telling all these hilarious stories. It was tiring but fun and I can't wait to do it again tonight. Cheerio!

1 comment:

silly_button said...

congratulations on your new job! man oh man it seems like everyone is getting a job at a call center.