Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Another day at work finally over. It's only the second day of work but it seems that I've been taking calls for more than seven days. I had a really frantic day at work. I don't know but I didn't feel like my usual happy self today. Maybe it's because of me not feeling well (I got sore throat and acquired a bit of some mucous the other day) or it just wasn't my day today.

I always enjoy walking home in the early morning. People tell me I shouldn't be walking alone, but I like it. I really like it. It's one of those times that I get to have alone time with myself and ponder on things like work, life and whatsoever. It's Thursday, already almost the end of the week. I wish time would fast forward a bit faster. This job is really beginning to get a bit draggy but who am I to complain? A lot of people don't have jobs and I'm already lucky just having one. Maybe I'm just stressed out, I normally wouldn't be ranting about work because I honestly can say that I LIKE what I'm doing. I just don't want it to be the last job I would be doing for the rest of my life.

I had two calls today that really made my day. I had one customer who said that even if she owed this much money with Sprint, I made her day because I helped her a lot and showed that I really cared about her issue unlike other representatives who are rude and who would just brush you off in an instant. The other one was a Filipina, she didn't realize that she had this big bill and she was asking me if I could give her a discount to help her with the amount. I placed her on hold for 10minutes and when I got back she told me that she thought that I forgot about her. I told her that I would never do that to a customer. She was really happy that I tried my very best to credit the amount, then when we were about to end the call, she told me that I was very kind and even said "I'm telling you this not because you are Filipino, but really are nice. Even with this problem you made my day. Thank you."

Sometimes, simple things like a customer thanking you for doing a job well done is enough for me to appreciate my line of work. I know other call center folks just do it because of the money ( I know di mawawala un, we all get jobs to earn)without even considering the feelings of customers, but I do it mainly to help them because basically that is what are job is - help the customers and listen to their every concern and try resolving them as much as we can. It just pains me to know that mismong (sorry don't know the English translation for that word is) customer care representatives are rude. Kung sino pa dapat ang department na dapat tumulong sa customer, sila pa ang bastos at dry.

I was supposed to blog about my weekend last Monday but I wasn't able to. Now I've forgotten whatever it is I was supposed to blog about. All I know is I was going to show off some of the stuff I bought at Oriental and some photos from Sunday. So here they are

Sunday afternoon, I got to meet up with my college friends. Went to a fiesta in Porac and had lunch and mirienda there. Had only 4 hours of sleep and was able to take naps when I was at Odell's and Lloyd's place ahe Oh, and for the first time in my life, I wet my pants! haha Jussst kidding. Arence accidentally hit me while I was holding a glass of water and it splashed right onto my jeans. CLASSIC.

So, right after the fiesta, headed to SM to meet up with the fam. Had a nice lovely dinner at Kenny Roger's where I had their German sausage with tartar sauce. YUM YUM.

Then we got to walk around the mall. Mom was able to buy some makeup and I got to buy one of the most expensive nail polish ever. The guys bought some candy (as always) and dad got to buy a standfan. Oh, and he also bought me this air-cooler kuno. Haven't really tried it with a lot of ice yet. Hopefully, it won't disappoint me.

Then later on that night, I got to meet up with Arence to grab some coffee at Northern Brew. We haven't had coffee there in ages and it was the right time to do so. Had some more food that night. Really had a great time hanging out with my huggy-poopy-bear :)

Then last Monday, mom and I went to Oriental to check out some stuff. Wasn't really supposed to buy anything, but I found the cutest luggage bag ever! It was the only one left so I got it immediately. Then I found another one like it only with a different bag type. Mom told me to get it as well and when we got to the counter, she told me that the other bag would be her birthday gift to me instead. :)


Also, I bought two bags as well. I never really had a small bag for girly occasions. The other one is for my bestfriend, G.

I almost near being broke, and as much as I would like to save, this happens to me everytime. Hopefully by the end of the month, I'll be getting more moolah from my salary. And maybe then, I could put away more cash. Until the next post, ciao mi amigos!

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