Sunday, September 30, 2007

a blissful morning

Moments after Arence left (which was around 3.20 AM), I recieved the sweetest text message..
MOAOP: wlking home n hon2! misin u olrdi..
ME: huugg.. text me when you get home okay?
MOAOP: edi il txt u wen im bck n ur arms agen? dts wen im home eh
I feel like the luckiest ROBOT in the world.. (--,)

Friday, September 28, 2007

rain on my window

"Woke up to the sound of pouring rain,
the wind would whisper and I'd think of you.."

Waking up to a cool rainy morning is a fascinating experience. Especially when you know you've slept around 1am because of a painful headache then waking up at 8am and you feel nothing but this good impression that you're going to have a nice day ahead of you.

I wish I'd always wake up as early as 6am. I would like to maximize every hour, minute and second I could in a day. It'd be nice to see the sunrise everytime I would open my drowsy little eyes in the morning and breathe in the cool morning air. Maybe have some breakfast or even just a cup of coffee.

As I stood up from my bed, I instantly put in a Simpsons series disc in my DVD player. I felt like a kid again to watch cartoons in the morning after a very long time. The only thing missing from that scene is a bowl of Lucky Charms cereals.

Eli and I will be meeting up again to check out our re-tailored gowns later on this afternoon. I hope they did a good job in the alterations because I don't want to be sorry for picking a gown wherein I wasn't really sure of the fit in the first place. At any rate, let's all together cross our fingers.

Until I return, tootles!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

gown hunting duo unite

This morning, I met up with Eli for the sole purpose of scavenging for the right, if not, the perfect dress for our upcoming culminatin activity next Tuesday.

We met up at the ever so common meeting place, Bartmall, and we immediately headed off to the chain of tailors and gown rentals alongside PineRose.
At the first shop that we went to, we already found a lot of potential
pieces. Well, I found a lot. Eli was struggling and was very picky and I thought that I would be the more meticulous one. I found three pieces; a black and white tube dress, another black spaghetti strapped one, and the green V-neck halter top type gown. I had a hard time deciding what to choose from the three but it was obvious, even if I wanted to get a black gown, the GREEN one was the winner. After picking and having my outfit remeasured for altering, Eli still had zero gowns in hand.

But not to worry, after filling our hungry tummies with fastfood, we scavenged some more and some more and then some more! After walking for an hour and popping our heads in every tailoring shop we could set our eyes on, we finally decided to head back to the first shop and look again. Eli was frustrated but nevertheless, we found the one that she likes. Horaaah! She went for the lavander spaghetti-strapped empire cut gown. Although I thought that she looked best with the other black floral topped gown she first tried on, I think the one she chose flattered her figure best. I shot all of the dresses that she wore except the one she picked. Will surely post pics after the activity.

It was a tiring experience but an adventure that I surely enjoyed. Trying on different gowns was a 'ball' plus, I felt like Cinderelly! Now, if I could just find a way to pay for it, I'd be all set. LOL

Man did I get a headache right now. 'Til next time freaks! Cheerio!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

best date EVER

I officially love Wednesdays.
Today, I got to hang out with my OAOP! Three cheers for Wednesdays!

We had a the most fun time and we consumed almost the entire afternoon til night together. It was a blast by golly George!

Going to SM is always fun especially if I'm with my OAOP.

Today, he invited me to go Videoke-ing at the arcade and man did we have fun! For the record, I am still a lousy singer and yes! I sing like a geek! We also got to play House of the Dead and Air hockey which was entertaining and frustrating in a good way. (laughs out loud)

We had PIZZA! Oh heavenly Flanders, we had PIZZA! We ordered the large one with pepperoni, cheese, onions and ground pork. PIZZA is the equivalent of weed for us. (laughs out loud once more)

Oh, and I got my hair straigthened today. Finally?! My hair needed some major treatment after the one last March. I can't believe it only took less than an hour for everything to finish. I was ecstatic.

On the way home, we decided to eat street food for dinner. Fried isaw and balunbalun are the bomb. Dirty food at its finest and it only cost us 40 bucks for 4 sticks of isaw and 3 of them balunbalunan. Tummy very happy.

I really love going out on dates. It's exciting cuz you never know what'll happen next. And most of all, you get to spend every second of it with the one you're with. ♥

Monday, September 24, 2007

my first entry to a new blog life

I know, I know.. another blog right? I haven't the slighest clue why I had to create another one. Sheer impulse is what I think happened. Naah. Actually, tell you honestly, I wanted a new one anyway. I just realized that my old blog was overly pathethic and contained so many ugly things about my life. Maybe I'll add some in here too. At any rate, this is my way of starting something new even though everything i know had already begun. Maybe I'll get a kick out of this blog.

Despite all the drama in my chaotic and queer life, I see a change for the better.

In conclusion, the author wishes and hopes to jot down lots of fond memories, future mishaps and lots of misadventures in here (because that's all she's ever getting and will be getting in life) and that she may regain that spark she once had and lost.

Welcome to my blog you freaks!