Saturday, November 10, 2007

crickets anyone?

Guess what I had for dinner this evening? I had camaro! And it didn't taste gooood!! hahaha And I thought that they would taste just like chicken but I guess I was wrong. They looked really interesting as I got a tablespoon of them from the table onto my plate. I actually didn't notice them at first until I asked to confirm if it was one of the many authentic delicacies kapampangans make and they said that it was the real thing. I'm really not sure how they would prepare camaro but the one I had was apparantly cooked adobo style. It didn't even come close to tasting like soy sauce to me. Man did I get a kick from them crickets! They almost made me barf when I had one on my plate that resembled a cockroaches' belly! Like EWW?! But at any rate, I was psyched that I even got to try them (even if the results were disgusting). There's always a first for everything, and this will also probably be my last too. I'm never eating camaro again! I don't care if that guy from Bizarre Foods loves them, I'd rather eat frog legs instead thank you very much.

I'm having breakfast with Arence tomorrow morning at Northern Brew. Nothing beats a breakfast buffet on a Sunday. Then right after, it's swimming time for me and the rest of my classmates at Villa Antonina. Can't wait! :)

1 comment:

silly_button said...

OMG! That looks absolutely repulsive.It looks like a piece of poo! I don't understand how people can manage to eat that.