Wednesday, December 12, 2007

dismissed without a clue

I am so frustrated! I want to write down all about what happened yesterday but because I have this stupid headache, I can't concentrate and the overly inconsiderate person who is tending the internet cafe shop where I'm in keeps playing the song "Fashionista" over and over again and it's killing my brain! I want to burst, but because I know I'm human and not just another bubble, I won't. I will get a hold of myself and try to stay in one sane piece so I can calmly and rationally compose a freakin' entry.



I think I'm good to go.

So.. I didn't get the job at the call center. I really wanted to but I guess it wasn't meant to be. I'm sad and disappointed and hurt. I wept and moped the whole night last night while consuming three packs of peanuts and a glass of ice cold Coke while watching Sex and the City on DVD. I now have the puffiest eye bags in the world and it's funny how they make me look chubbier and how oddly that makes me feel good even for just a little bit.

Somehow, I think I already knew. I could sense it right after leaving the VP's office after he interviewed me the other night. But I was optimistic and I didn't want to think that I wouldn't get in. The person who gave the initial interview last week confronted all the other applicants that evening right after we all finished doing the final interview so she could tell us what the next step was. She told us that she would text us the results the next morning. If we get a text from her, it means we passed but if we didn't get a text, it'll only mean that we didn't get the job. The next morning, I waited and waited for that one text message that'll completely make my day, but as 12noon arrived, I knew it.

It was hard for me to believe it but after a while, I didn't mind anymore that I didn't get in. I was just reeally stunned that I didn't. I know in my heart that I am qualified for the job, but maybe I said something that might have steered the VP away. I'm guessing that would be that I didn't have any past job experiences or that I said that I didn't know much when asked if I knew anything about the company. Whatever the reason may be, it's all okay now. I get it now, you win some you lose some.

That afternoon, I decided to go to my friend's post-birthday pool party celebration. I had this indescribably peaceful but happy feeling overcome me as I saw everybody. Being there made me forget my worries and the awful feelings that I've been experiencing all morning. We got to catch up on each other's lives and had some fun over chips and drinks. It was a real treat to see them again after so long. I miss them a lot and I'm glad that I was able to spend time with them. Real friends are rare to find, I'm glad that I already have them right here.

The morning that I was waiting for that validation, I received this text from a friend :

"don't waste a minute by not being happy..
if one window closes, run to the next window --
or break down a fuckin' door.."

It was the perfect quote I needed. It was funny and at the same time very inspiring. Maybe I'll break down a fuckin door sometime, but in the meantime, I might as well jump through open windows. Windows of more opportunities that is. :)



1 comment:

ann.screams.hearts. said...

well i can never say that i know how u feel coz i don't.. but i believe in the power of trixie! haha. you're right, there are a lot more opportunities out there.. kaw pa!