Monday, December 3, 2007

the reason why i'm stick thin

Besides my habit of staying up til the wee hours of the morning and having a very fast metabolism, I think one of the main reasons that I'm thin as Jack Skellington is because I am not eating the right food. It's not that I don't eat the right food, it's just that the right food isn't always available.

My mother was never a fan of cooking. Because of having a carinderia in front of our house, a chain of lechon manok roasters nearby and restaurants just within the area, she has always depended on them for our basic need for food.

I hate eating charcoal roasted chicken almost everyday of the week. It makes me barf just reheating and eating the same viand on my next meal. What's worse is eating leftover food after days of being in the fridge. It's totally unappetizing if you ask me. I used to like lechon manok until we started having it for dinner everyday. Even the most scrumptious, mouthwatering and appealing dish when eaten all the time can be tiring and nauseating.

When my mom forgot that I didn't have lunch yet, I got really mad. I couldn't believe how insensitive she could be? I mean, it was already 2pm and there wasn't any food on the table and she was just in her room watching tv! If I hadn't asked why there wasn't any food, she would've probably left me starving till dinner time. She made a lame excuse of telling me that she didn't bother to cook or buy food anymore because she was going to make tacos later on. Like hello?! Starving daughter over here?? She never did cook the tacos but instead asked my dad to buy me lunch over at McDonald's. Even then, I didn't know if I would be really happy that I was having McDonald's for lunch or still get mad over the fact that she just left me starving like that.

Me and my mom... we have this love-hate relationship.
Sometimes we're like the closest of friends, and at times, the worst of mother-daughter you can imagine.
I love her eitherway...
I just wish she'd feed me that's all...

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