Saturday, December 22, 2007

retracting my claws

I thought about that previous entry that I wrote the other day. The one about me being a skeptic over something so small yet had this tremendous effect on me. I wasn't myself since the incident happend and I wasn't happy about it. There will always come a time wherein a girl such as myself, would think unpleasant thoughts about someone or something that will cause her to break into pieces. I don't want to be that girl. I don't want to eventually and slowly break into pieces over a pathetic thing like that. Even though it bothered me like crazy, I realized that it wasn't doing me any good. So I decided to let it go for the sake of my sanity and happiness. And after much contemplation, I finally was able to get over it.

Today was another boring day in the life of moi. I woke up around 3pm and ate like three tablespoons of rice and torta as my lunch meal. I never really liked torta especially the torta they sell at the carinderia infront of our house. I just hate how it looks like and sometimes how it tastes like. The ironic thing about it though is that I love tortang talong and especially if my lola is the one who cooks it.

I suffered starvation til around 9.30 until I finally decided to buy some wanton noodles over at Chowking. I shouldn't have starved myself to death like that but it wasn't my fault. My mom told me that someone was going to pass by the house to get the blueberry cheesecake orders my mom made but unfortunately did not show up. I had to wait for them until later this evening just to realize that they weren't going to get them. I just hate it when that happens - people not showing up. It's like sooo irresponsible especially knowing that the client is mature enough and is at the age where they should know much about punctuality. It sickens me that people nowadays don't care about TIME. Time isn't supposed to be wasted, it's supposed to be maximized.

As I was heading back home from Chowking, I passed by Index again to check if any of my friends were there. Like always, the salon stairs was filled with people. People whom I really miss and miss hanging out with. They were a sight for sore eyes and I felt really happy to see them after a long time. I wished I could've stayed longer but I had to go back home because of the cheesecake thing. I really wish that I could hangout with them sometime soon. When I start my training and eventually, my job as a call center agent, I would probably have no time to see them anymore. Hopefully, despite my busy schedule in the near future, I would still find some time to be with them.

I got home very eager to slurp the soup and noodles I bought. I did just that and it was goooood. Eating on a very empty stomach could never feel this satisfying. The only thing that I wasn't happy about was the headache. For the past few days, I kept getting these unexplainable headaches. I can't seem to find the main cause and it's really annoying to the point of me wanting to shave my head off and jumping into a pool of cold water just to ease the discomforting feeling.

After I ate and have rested, I called Arence to check up on him. He and his highschool friends went on a swimming outing the other day and they had too much fun and got sick the following morning. I was hesitating at first if I was going to come over at their place but eventually changed my mind and left the house to visit him.

It was nice to see him again. After that awful, awkward and emotional night, I was prepared to be the way I used to be again and not think about that effin Sonny Ericson incident.

Talking to him with my sanity intact again was great. We laid on the bed with a large orange blanket covering our tired bodies and we talked about whatever. He told me about what happened during their stay at Poracay and I told him practically nothing about my day besides the fact that it was boring, I had a headache and that I was pissed at whoever I was waiting for to pick up the cheesecakes.

I know this'll sound peculiar, but I sometimes like the idea of my boyfriend being sick. What I'm trying to point out from that statement is that I like taking care of him. It's one of my many hidden traits that people usually don't know of or if they do know, ungratefully take advantage of . I just like how I would make him feel better just by sitting or lying next to him. The feeling I would get by knowing that I've helped in any way is one of the best feelings in the world and I love it.

In other news, it's 2 days before Christmas and I can't wait. I wonder what goodies I'll be receiving this year. Hopefully I'd get as much moolah as I did last year so I can pay my dentist the 800 I owe her and still have some extra cash for me to spend on. :)

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