Wednesday, December 5, 2007

where's a pen when i really need one?

I survived my first job interview today and what an experience.

As planned, I went over to the company of my choice today with Arence. We met up around 4pm at our usual meeting place and off we went. I was wearing slacks, a collared blouse and pointy heeled shoes. I couldn't feel more uneasy wearing something so corporate again. I had my resume in hand and a handbag that I only use on occasions like these. Just like my PDPR days..

To tell you honestly, I didn't prepare for the interview. I didn't practice or anything. My resume looked like shit and the paper that the guards at the front desk gave me to answer looked as messed up as my resume. The ultimate worst thing was I wasn't bringing a PEN! Yes a freakin PEN! I am such a dimwit. I was so embarrassed when the guard gave me this look and said "Wala kang ballpen?". They were nice, courteous guards which made it even more humiliating. Total mortification of my pride right there. Anyway, I got over it eventually. Next time, I'm bringing a trusty Parker.

I won't go into details with the interview proper. It was okay, I got a bit nervous when it was my turn. I didn't know that being interviewed with other applicants at the same time could be intimidating. I didn't get the final interview today but I will go back this Friday. Hopefully I'll nail this one. The interviewer felt that she wanted me to have the final interview but she hesitated and said I need to practice more on my 'soft' voice but other than that, I was good. Out of the other nine applicants, three, including me, impressed the interviewer most. I scored points with my fluency in English. I'm grateful that I grew up in a family that used English as a medium in communicating. My years of speaking the language is finally paying off.

After one and a half hours, we were all sent home except for this one guy from FEU with cool tattoos who got the final interview tonight. Good luck to him, he's going to need all the patience in the world tonight because final interviews can reach upto three in the morning and from what I saw, he was bringing nothing but a magazine in hand. When I go back this Friday for my final interview, I'm bringing the DSLite, some food and water and my best guy friend in the world aka Arence, with me. We'll crash the waiting room and sleep everywhere haha just kidddiing.

Ended the night eating streetfood along the market area. Man were those fried lumpias delicious! and the mochi was delightful. The best 20 bucks you could ever spend on food.


ann.screams.hearts. said...

Good luck on your final interview.. GO trixie! : )

ann.screams.hearts. said...

ang kyut naman ng user pic mo..! pakopya ah, gamitin ko rin yung gickr. : )