Monday, May 19, 2008

3 celebrations and 1 year older

Numbers are just numbers. Age doesn't matter ika nga. But as the days, the months and the years pass by, you'll slowly realize that you are really 13 going on 30.

It's nice to know that I'm still alive after 21 years of living in this bizarre and crazy paradise called earth. I've stepped into the age where responsibilities really kick in and into the age wherein your folks bug you about getting a job or getting married and all that shit. But unfortunately, I haven't graduated yet but I'm happy to say that I' currently in a stable job so far.

It's funny how I tend to forget that the second digit of my age changes every year. There was a time when I last year when I was filling up a form of some sort, and instead of writing 20 on the blank line after the word "AGE", I actually wrote 18. Utterly silly don't you think?

People think that when you get older, it's not fun anymore when actually the fun is just getting started. I am having so much fun right now that I had before. I'm not saying that I didn't enjoy my years before but because I'm all grown up and actually know the meaning of the word RESPONSIBILITY, it's given me a new perspective on life. Getting older isn't so bad, it just depends on the person on how he or she sees it. And I see it as a lot more opportunities and adventures yet to come.

So last Wednesday, I officially turned 21. It wasn't the most exciting of all experiences but it wasn't the dullest one either. I had fun celebrating my birthday last Saturday with my relatives. Along with my lola, uncle, cousin and mom, we all blew out our birthday candles with three of the cakes my mom made for all the birthday celebrants this merry month of May. Then last Wednesday, the family and I had an early dinner at Flavors of China before I went to work. It was a rush birthday for me really but fun nonetheless. Dad was sweet enough to purchase a lipgloss for me over at Elianto. Then yesterda, I treated everyone to pizza and ice cream. YUM!

I still feel that when someone asks me about my age, I would unconsciously still blurt out "20". Hopefully not because I really wouldn't want to mislead anyone about my age because I am proud of how old (or young) I am. It's just funny that I get older every year but people still look at me like I'm some kind of 16 year old kid (physically I mean) and it's really annoying. I want to look my age man! lolz Anyway, it's been a long, busy week and I haven't really gotten the time to unwind and relax. I can't wait to get regularized at work so I can get work leaves already. ^_^

Photos of my birthday are available at my MULTIPLY site. :)

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