Wednesday, July 23, 2008

controversy sa AY-CORE

Everyday at work before logging on to our systems, we would always have these 10 minute huddles with our AVP, Deeana. Each day that we have these 'meetings', she would also say the same darn thing but this time, it was different.

Today, Deeana shared something to all of us. She received a text from an anonymous sender threatening her and the company because of money issues. The anonymous texter stated that we are not getting paid justly and that there was already a law mandated that there will be a salary increase (with call center companies I guess). This topic has become a very big controversial issue with the site. LEO (whom I can't remember what position he is in the company) was the one who read the text to everyone. The exact words of the text message did not stick to my memory but if my memory serves me right, I think I remembered some key words from it. The text goes something like..

There is a law that there is a salary increase..
If you do not comply with this, we will report to DOLE (?)...
I'm going to start a signature campaign..
Please pay us justly..

I think ganyan yung message nung text.

So Leo starts talking about this issue with us agents on the floor stating that this increase is just for the people with minimum waged salaries. That we are above and beyond the minimum wage so we don't even have the right to lash out in rebellion about this. As much as I love sarcasm, I didn't appreciate his.

Okay. So setting this particular concern aside, there was already news before around February that all call center agents would have P3,000 increase with their salaries and this labor code was signed by the President. Other rival companies already have this increase but what about us? I know we nor I have proof of this but when I do get some information, I would be glad to strut my skinny ass self into Deeana's office and hand that information to her. But until that day comes, I just have to sit back and wait. Actually, I really don't care anymore. I'm leaving the freakin company anyways. It's just that it is so unfair if this is true and we don't get any benefit from it that's all. Oh well, bahala nalang ulit si Batman.

I would really like to know who texted Deeana. Nacucurious talaga ako dahil ang lakas ng loob nyang mag text-threat. I would also want to thank him for pissing Leo. Natutuwa lang ako yun lang.

APO nanaman bukas!! Ü

Monday, July 21, 2008

Eraserheads together again?

OK. Shet. I can't believe this news. Eraserheads is going to have a reunion concert end of August. WTF. This is historical. I can't even fathom the idea of one of the greatest bands who split up light years ago to come up with this radical thought of performing together again. I'm basically speechless and wordless of the moment.

Read the article right HERE.

Well there you go. I think a lot people would love to want to go their concert. I know I would. The only question now is HOW?!? Oh well, bahala na si Batman. ^_^

weekend over

Haay.. another weekend over. Ambilis. It's like I never had a day off.
What I did over the weekend:
  1. Slept all Sunday
  2. Watched Prozac Nation, Connie and Carla and Dorian Blues all in one sitting
  3. Went back to school to check up on my Singapore practicum
  4. Had my first roll of Fisheye photos developed
  5. Bought a couple of necklaces worth ten bucks each
  6. Ate all you can at Northern Brew
  7. Hung out with Arence from 2pm-3am
  8. Had strawberry ice cream while surfing the internet and watching the National Geographic

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Second day of work palang but I feel like it's the last day already. How I wish.

I just got home from work. After the shift, we went over to Denzyo's, this inuman place located in Diamond, a subdivision in Balibago known for having the most alcoholic establishments in town and for uncontrollable trouble. Gema, Vhince, Dawg, Ryan and I went there to chill out and relax since the weather was nice and basically and mainly I was after the ISAW.

The weather has been very helpful, not just for me, but for a lot of people especially with call center agents. It's easier to rest now and sleeping is a piece of cake unlike before. I have my disadvantages with the weather too, like it gets really cold sometimes that my back hurts and that my jeans always get wet because they are too long. I don't mind bringing an umbrella to work, I actually like bringing the longer normal ones than the small ones as they tend to get blown sometimes by the strong winds.

It's already 9am and I've been awake for more than 12 hours already. 3 more shifts to go and I can't wait for the week to be over with. Ciao for now!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

another week has ended

Time flies when you're having fun.

So, I was able to tell Arence about my "theory" of hyperthyroidism. He told me that it can be possible but he thinks that I don't have it. Well good if I don't because I would not want to be drinking medication for this disease.

In other news, as usual, I slept the whole Sunday. It has become my weekly routine to sleep all day after my last shift. I don't have the time to go to mass na sometimes because of exhaustion. I hate the fact that I spend my Sunday sleeping. My day offs seem like a day instead of two. But nevertheless, I get to compensate my Sundays on Mondays.

I was supposed to go to my dentist yesterday, but due to the fact that I had no money to pay her yet, I skipped my appointment and decided that I'll just go today. I mean what can one day do right? And besides, I wasn't in the mood to sit in the dental chair yet. The last appointment, my dentist accidentally burned my inner lip with a heated tool and I had my mouth wide open for half an hour. It wasn't nice to tell you frankly. The burn should cost me at least P300 deducted from my total bill for a consolation.

After lunch, I met up with Arence and we had frozen yogurt at this new franchise outside their subdivision. We had the idea of having a body massage and of playing Bingo but because we were low on funds we figured that we could just do it another time and hangout for the rest of the day which we did. We hung-out in his room and watched Simpsons, then helped him later in the afternoon to pay some bills. Tried this new ramen noodle place near Bale Herencia and then had another frozen dessert afterwards. Mmmm FIC. And after resting at their place for a couple of hours, we went to my place and hung-out some more. We watched the SBC packers and Maritess VS. the Superfriends on Youtube with my siblings and ate some more noodles.

It's funny that time flies fast sometimes. Just when you are having fun, time runs out. A day isn't enough for me. 24hours isn't enough. If only a day had 48 hours, but that would be asking too much and down right ridiculous.

I'm off to another week of taking calls and I'm already wishing that it was the weekend. I'm officially a regular agent at IQOR meaning I have the benefit of having vacation leaves already. One day I will take advantage of those paid-free days of work, but for the meantime, I will just continue taking calls.

Payday today and I'm excited. No more moolah-less days ^_^

Friday, July 11, 2008


While taking a call earlier at work, Gema was whining about how her back was aching. Like me, she too has a case of scoliosis but very much minimal to what I have going on with my spine. I too was having a hard time with my back, particularly my lower back at the moment. Then she mentioned that I might have hyperthyroidism because she noticed that I get cold easily. Then it got me thinking... she might be right.

Right after work, I went home eager to search the internet for this so called "disease" and found out a lot of shocking information. I think I DO have HYPERTHYROIDISM! Here is what I found out:

Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which an overactive thyroid gland is producing an excessive amount of thyroid hormones that circulate in the blood. ("Hyper" means "over" in Greek). Thyrotoxicosis is a toxic condition that is caused by an excess of thyroid hormones from any cause. Thyrotoxicosis can be caused by an excessive intake of thyroid hormone or by overproduction of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland.

What are the symptoms of hyperthyroidism?

Hyperthyroidism is suggested by several signs and symptoms; however, patients with mild disease usually experience no symptoms. In patients older than 70 years, the typical signs and symptoms also may be absent. In general, the symptoms become more obvious as the degree of hyperthyroidism increases. The symptoms usually are related to an increase in the metabolic rate of the body. Common symptoms include:

  • Excessive sweating
  • Heat intolerance (check)
  • Increased bowel movements
  • Tremor (usually fine shaking) (check)
  • Nervousness; agitation (check)
  • Rapid heart rate (double check)
  • Weight loss (double check)
  • Fatigue (check)
  • Decreased concentration (check)
  • Irregular and scant menstrual flow (omg check!!)
  • Multiple sclerosis (huhuhu)

In older patients, irregular heart rhythms and heart failure can occur. In its most severe form, untreated hyperthyroidism may result in "thyroid storm," a condition involving high blood pressure, fever, and heart failure. Mental changes, such as confusion and delirium, also may occur.

What causes multiple sclerosis?

The cause of multiple sclerosis is still unknown. In the last 20 years, researchers have focused on disorders of the immune system and genetics for explanations. The immune system is the body's defender and is highly organized and regulated. If triggered by an aggressor or foreign object, the immune system mounts a defensive action which identifies and attacks the invader and then withdraws. This process depends upon rapid communication among the immune cells and the production of cells that can destroy the intruder. In multiple sclerosis, researchers suspect that a foreign agent such as a virus alters the immune system so that the immune system perceives myelin as an intruder and attacks it. The attack by the immune system on the tissues that it is supposed to protect is called autoimmunity, and multiple sclerosis is believed to be a disease of autoimmunity. While some of the myelin may be repaired after the assault, some of the myelin disappears and nerves are stripped of this covering (become demyelinated). Scarring also occurs, and material is deposited into the scars and forms plaques.

Is multiple sclerosis inherited?

Although its role is unclear, genetics may play a role in multiple sclerosis. European gypsies, Eskimos and African Bantu essentially do not develop multiple sclerosis, while Native Indians of North and South America, Japanese and other Asian groups have a low incidence. The general population has less than a one-percent chance of ever contracting multiple sclerosis. The chance increases in families where a first-degree relative has the disease. Thus, a brother, sister, parent, or child of a person with multiple sclerosis stands a one-percent to three percent chance of developing multiple sclerosis. Similarly, an identical twin runs a nearly 30% chance of acquiring multiple sclerosis whereas a non-identical twin has only a 4% chance if the other twin has the disease. These statistics suggest that genetic factors play a major role in multiple sclerosis. However, other data suggest that environmental factors also play an important role.

What are the symptoms of multiple sclerosis?

Symptoms of multiple sclerosis may be single or multiple and may range from mild to severe in intensity and short to long in duration. Complete or partial remission from symptoms occurs early in about 70% of multiple sclerosis patients.

  • Visual disturbances may be the first symptoms of multiple sclerosis, but they usually subside. A patient may notice blurred vision, red-green distortion (color desaturation), or sudden monocular blindness (blindness in one eye).
  • Muscle weakness with or without difficulties with coordination and balance may occur early.
  • Muscle spasms, fatigue, numbness, and prickling pain are common symptoms. (I have experience this)
  • There may be a loss of sensation, speech impediment (typically a problem articulating words), tremors, or dizziness.

Fifty-percent of patients experience mental changes such as:

  • decreased concentration, (soobbraaa)
  • attention deficits, (sometimes yes)
  • some degree of memory loss, (omg yeeeess)
  • inability to perform sequential tasks, or
  • impairment in judgment.

Other symptoms may include

  • depression
  • manic depression,
  • paranoia, or
  • an uncontrollable urge to laugh and weep. (shet ganito ata ako..)
OMG. I got the articles from a site and there are tests and treatments for this. I can have my blood tested but I think that it's not necessary since I've acquired %90 of the symptoms and I hate blood tests basically. I haven't told Arence about this yet but maybe he would agree that I have hyperthyroidism. He IS a nurse anyway. I just always thought that I had a very fast metabolism that's all. Not some neurological thing.

Well, I have to sleep now. Later!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

two easy words

I have this teammate at work. We're not really close but there are times that she tries to strike a conversation with me. Sometimes she would just say hi, or ask something like what time our next break is or what the ulam is at the pantry. This particular person does not like me at all and I don't fancy her either.

This person always whines about work, absents herself at times and sleeps on the job. I know that I'm in no position to say things like this but this is my blog so I think I have some right to rant. Her personality is unpredictable; one minutes she's "friendly" and then the next she's a snob (which I think she is most of the time). I can pretty much tolerate people like her but she is really getting on my nerve.

Before, I used to always bring a small bottle of alcohol to sanitize my station because people who use them afterwards leave them dirty for reasons I have no idea of and basically because I'm a bit obsessive compulsive. She took advantage of this little bottle and used it as much as she could; after smoking, when she just feels like sanitizing her hand and to clean her station as well. It's okay if she asks' for some, I really don't mind (I'm not that selfish anyway). But the worst thing besides taking advantage of my ethanol, she does not know how to say THANK YOU.

She does this everytime and it sickens me to know that in her status in life, she can't even afford to buy a tiny bottle of alcohol and to be polite for that matter. I really don't know how she has this characteristic but who can blame her. I really don't want to sound mean but she is crossing the line. It was bad enough that she was all snooty on me when we first got to the floor, ranting about and telling me that I can't sit on this place because apparently she saved all the seats for her buddies, but she basically lacks gratitude toward people and simple gestures. I just find it really offending when you do someone a favor and they don't acknowledge what you've done.

Well, I just hope that she comes to her senses and realizes that her personality isn't very appealing and hopefully tries to do something (better) about it.

Monday, July 7, 2008

a short note

Today, I went to my dentist.

Then I met up with Arence and stayed at their place til 11.

That is all for now. :)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

one happy ending

Today, I was supposed to meet my dentist to have my root canal checked, but unfortunately she left the clinic sooner that I expected. With almost 4 hours to spare, I decided that the only thing that I could possibly do is to go to SM and wait for the time before I get off to work. Coincidentally, Arence wasn't doing anything at that time and mentioned that he was going to buy some groceries so we talked about meeting up which was great. So off I went to SM to wander around while I waited for him.

I got there and I thought of going on the internet since it has been more than a week since I checked my email etc. The open net shop located in the Cyberzone area was my target since it's the only internet place I know there except this one shop wherein they only have 6 PCs and an hour costs P50.

I entered the vicinity looking for a vacant spot but every chair was occupied with either female chatters with their online buddies' webcams all exposed and kids and/or adults playing online games such as DOTA and Counterstrike. There was a couch were people waited and so I sat and I waited. I thought the waiting part was bad but what happened next was worse.

After a while, the attendant told me that there was a vacant seat already. The excitement was uncontrollable since I was so giddy knowing that I will have the chance to check my mail, Multiply and if some jerk has once again added my Friendster account in his profile. But as soon as I was opening the site to all of these, my giddiness and excitement died. It was the internet connection from hell. Basically I sat there for 30 minutes staring at the loading icon from the tabs. I asked if the attendant could cancel but she told me she can't since I told her that I would be staying for 30 minutes. No apologies or even empathy. I sat there whining to myself and cursing silently (bec there was kid sitting near me) for the lack of service and for the absolutely bad internet connection the place had. Basically. I spent money for nothing and it SUCKED. The incident was a nerve-wreck and left me furious after that half an hour crap for nothing.

But luckily, that didn't ruin my day. Eventually when Arence came, he started to calm my nerves. It was a good thing that we met up or else I don't know what would have become of me that moment.

As usual, we toured around the mall thinking of someplace we could hangout but we failed (not because we are failures like that, but because basically, there are no good places to go in SM Clark for that matter). An hour passed by and we went to the hypermarket to do some groceries. Then afterwards, we had one of the most delicious meals ever which included one whole roasted chicken from the Hypermart, Coke and 2 cup fulls of rice eaten at the food court.

There will always come a time where you'll experience something unpleasant, but in the end, something good will always come out of it. :) Oh and I got a donut too in the end! Thanks hon2! ^_^

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

random entry #257!$%$#

This is going to one very random entry.

Right after work, Princess, Cecil and I went out to have breakfast. Tried one of the newest addition to the cafe industry here in the city and we loved it. It's rare to see a food establishment with good service and I'm giving Coffee Academy 5 pogi star points for having great service and yummy food.

Got home and found my brother up already. Since I was running out of time, I headed to our pantry closet and got all the needed ingredients and utensils for baking. One of the HR persons got addicted to my OREO BROWNIES the other time and requested that I baked a batch. After getting some rest for 5 hours, woke up and took a bath as quickly as I could because of my dental appointment.

Got to the dentist and was completely hesitant for the first time in my life to sit on the chair. The root canal that my dentist informed me of last week has been bothering me a lot. Mainly because I would be getting anesthesia; meaning an injection. And I am shitty scared of needles (which is the most ironic thing about me considering I love piercings and tattoos). But as she went on with the procedure, the injection wasn't that bad. My dentist knew about this fear of mine and told me that while she was inserting the needle into my gums, I was giving her a sharp look which was funny. The root canal was a success but I need to drink antibiotics and have another xray. Will be going back to see her in 2 days. Hope all goes well.

Over the weekend, Arence and I had another one our fun trips to Manila. For one whole day, we got to visit Fort Santiago, UST and Rockwell. Rockwell was the main goal of the trip but because we came to Manila a tad bit earlier for malls to open, we thought why not visit old manila and Fort Santiago while waiting? And we did.

We took a lot of photos and scared each other in the dungeons. Also witnessed something historical in a church (which I really have no clue what church it was because I'm clueless like that sometimes). It was the centennial celebration of one of the disciples (Peter of Paul, see what I was saying?). Then went to this building with a photo exhibit. And my sago spilled inside my bag. haha

I feel awful with how I write my entries now. Before they were.. basta. I missed how I used to blog. I think my journalism capabilities are slowly deteriorating. But anyhow, who reads my blog anyways? lolz

Oh, and I did get the Fish EYE. I love Teammanila. Cresan was funny and one of the best store attendants I've ever come across. And impulsively bought a pair of boots last payday. They are so halatang fake leather and it kills me that I didn't examine them properly. OH well!

And I am also grossed out with my haircut. I want a new one.

Photos of the day will be posted in my MULTIPLY. Watch out for that. :) Okay bye for now, gotta go to work!