Wednesday, April 30, 2008

all dogs go to heaven

When I was a kid, I used to watch a lot of recorded VHS cartoons my granddad used to have from the states. Anyway, one of those cartoons which I loved was the Disney animated "All Dogs Go to Heaven". It's not a really popular Disney cartoon like the Little Mermaid or Pinnochio but it was one of the best I've seen when I was younger.

So, why am I talking about this? For one, I really do believe that all dogs go to heaven. Or any other animal for that matter. Secondly, because our dalmatian just passed away 2 days ago. And yes, it is really and always hard for me to lose a pet because I love animals basically and dogs are number one on my list. Whenever one of our dogs die, I can't help but mourn and cry a little for them. I even get really emotional when I watch a movie wherein an animal would get hurt, killed or die.

I couldn't believe that Domino is gone. He was the most playful of all our dogs next to Snowbal, our Japanese spitz. He was the most friendly of the dalmatians even to strangers. It was so sad to hear from dad that he died because he got hepatitis. But I guess it was a good thing too because then he wouldn't have to suffer more.

Anyway, I know you're in heaven now Domino. I hope you see our old dogs there. You were that LUCKY puppy that almost died before but you got to grow up really well and cheerful. But I guess it was time for you to go this time. I understand why the big man up there got you, so he would have more dogs to protect heaven. We will surely miss you..

Friday, April 25, 2008

my summer list

Do you ever get the feeling of frustration due to over thinking? I guess a lot of people do - work, school, love life, etc. But what drives me nuts really is thinking of things I want to do. You know? Okay.. maybe not. Anyway, I always have these moments and I would always think of all the things that I want to DO, want to HAPPEN or want to HAVE and it drives me crazy especially knowing that I've been thinking of these things for the longest time already and not even one of them has materialize. Or so I believe.

So, I'm making a list (which I love to hate to do (what??)) on some things that I'm dying to DO, HAPPEN, and HAVE. I know I won't be getting everything all at once but I'm hoping at least most of them I'll get to do this summer. Here goes:

1. I'm dying to hit the beach. I haven't been to the beach in ages. I actually don't like swimming in beaches but I sure like hanging out in them.

2. I really want to get new INK. I haven't really decided on what tho and the placement. I'm thinking of an Audrey Kawasaki artwork, but there are too many to choose from! She's one of my favorite artists of this generation.

3. I can't wait to get a new phone. I've never had a fascination with cellphones. Never really dug the latest trends, but one time, as I was strolling down the mall observing the phones on display in Jenra, I fell in love. THE phone that was for me and it only cost P4,700. It's an Ericsson Walkman phone and it's frikin PINK men! I scoured every mall in town and it was only in Jenra that they have that color. I'm still thinking about if I'll be purchasing it when I get my salary on the 30th.

4. I can't wait to have my OJT already. Singapore would be my main goal and destination for my practicum. Hopefully by 2nd of this school year, I'll be fixing my papers already.

5. Really really want to get my hair dyed. I know that I've just had it rebonded, but the lady who did my hair told me it was safe to have it colored. She just advised me to have it cellophaned instead because that way the color fades all at the same time unlike having my hair permanently colored (which I honestly prefer). I would really want to go BROWN.

6. Oh, I would also want a new do. But because my hair is still short to even risk another haircut, I think I'm going to wait this time.

7. Arence is going to get a new ride (meaning a Moped) pretty soon care of his dad and I can't wait til we get to ride around town with it. We got to ride around Villa Angela with his little brother's bike and his brother also taught me the 411's on driving the two-wheeled thing. I learned pretty fast.

8. I'm planning to watch as many movies as possible this summer. All the great flicks are coming out this May and frankly, I miss the theatre. Arence and I used to watch a movie at least once or twice in a month before, but because we are now both really busy, we don't have the time for it anymore. (IRONMAN intro)

SO there's my list. I know I have more but I can't remember all of them.

On another note, I think I'm beginning to be a SHOPAHOLIC and it's really killing me and my purse. I know I can be an impulsive buyer, but this is getting ridiculous. I also know that it's okay to buy stuff but it seems that because I know I have the money, I tend to overspend especially on food. I spend a lot more money on food than on things. I realized this characteristic of spending last Friday when I went to APO. I only had P500 left and I still spent it. WAAH! No regrets though, because I loved what I bought but as I said, this is getting really ridiculous and scary at one point. But I really am matipid and cheap so I'm wondering what the hell happend. lolz I bought this lovely summer dress and another watch. Also a cute beaded bracelet to go with the dress. I already want to wear it. :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Another day at work finally over. It's only the second day of work but it seems that I've been taking calls for more than seven days. I had a really frantic day at work. I don't know but I didn't feel like my usual happy self today. Maybe it's because of me not feeling well (I got sore throat and acquired a bit of some mucous the other day) or it just wasn't my day today.

I always enjoy walking home in the early morning. People tell me I shouldn't be walking alone, but I like it. I really like it. It's one of those times that I get to have alone time with myself and ponder on things like work, life and whatsoever. It's Thursday, already almost the end of the week. I wish time would fast forward a bit faster. This job is really beginning to get a bit draggy but who am I to complain? A lot of people don't have jobs and I'm already lucky just having one. Maybe I'm just stressed out, I normally wouldn't be ranting about work because I honestly can say that I LIKE what I'm doing. I just don't want it to be the last job I would be doing for the rest of my life.

I had two calls today that really made my day. I had one customer who said that even if she owed this much money with Sprint, I made her day because I helped her a lot and showed that I really cared about her issue unlike other representatives who are rude and who would just brush you off in an instant. The other one was a Filipina, she didn't realize that she had this big bill and she was asking me if I could give her a discount to help her with the amount. I placed her on hold for 10minutes and when I got back she told me that she thought that I forgot about her. I told her that I would never do that to a customer. She was really happy that I tried my very best to credit the amount, then when we were about to end the call, she told me that I was very kind and even said "I'm telling you this not because you are Filipino, but really are nice. Even with this problem you made my day. Thank you."

Sometimes, simple things like a customer thanking you for doing a job well done is enough for me to appreciate my line of work. I know other call center folks just do it because of the money ( I know di mawawala un, we all get jobs to earn)without even considering the feelings of customers, but I do it mainly to help them because basically that is what are job is - help the customers and listen to their every concern and try resolving them as much as we can. It just pains me to know that mismong (sorry don't know the English translation for that word is) customer care representatives are rude. Kung sino pa dapat ang department na dapat tumulong sa customer, sila pa ang bastos at dry.

I was supposed to blog about my weekend last Monday but I wasn't able to. Now I've forgotten whatever it is I was supposed to blog about. All I know is I was going to show off some of the stuff I bought at Oriental and some photos from Sunday. So here they are

Sunday afternoon, I got to meet up with my college friends. Went to a fiesta in Porac and had lunch and mirienda there. Had only 4 hours of sleep and was able to take naps when I was at Odell's and Lloyd's place ahe Oh, and for the first time in my life, I wet my pants! haha Jussst kidding. Arence accidentally hit me while I was holding a glass of water and it splashed right onto my jeans. CLASSIC.

So, right after the fiesta, headed to SM to meet up with the fam. Had a nice lovely dinner at Kenny Roger's where I had their German sausage with tartar sauce. YUM YUM.

Then we got to walk around the mall. Mom was able to buy some makeup and I got to buy one of the most expensive nail polish ever. The guys bought some candy (as always) and dad got to buy a standfan. Oh, and he also bought me this air-cooler kuno. Haven't really tried it with a lot of ice yet. Hopefully, it won't disappoint me.

Then later on that night, I got to meet up with Arence to grab some coffee at Northern Brew. We haven't had coffee there in ages and it was the right time to do so. Had some more food that night. Really had a great time hanging out with my huggy-poopy-bear :)

Then last Monday, mom and I went to Oriental to check out some stuff. Wasn't really supposed to buy anything, but I found the cutest luggage bag ever! It was the only one left so I got it immediately. Then I found another one like it only with a different bag type. Mom told me to get it as well and when we got to the counter, she told me that the other bag would be her birthday gift to me instead. :)


Also, I bought two bags as well. I never really had a small bag for girly occasions. The other one is for my bestfriend, G.

I almost near being broke, and as much as I would like to save, this happens to me everytime. Hopefully by the end of the month, I'll be getting more moolah from my salary. And maybe then, I could put away more cash. Until the next post, ciao mi amigos!

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Snagged this meme from my friend's blog, Fidel...

Let others know a little more about

yourself, repost this with your name
followed by "ology"


Q. What is your wallpaper on your computer?

- A default Windows background.

Q. How many televisions you have in your house?
- 3


Q. Are you right-handed or left-handed?
- Right-handed

Q. Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
- Dead skin. Teeth. Nail clippings. Hair

Q. What is the last heavy item you lifted?
- The new luggage bag that I bought which mom put plates in

Q. Have you ever been knocked out?
- Absolutely.


Q. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
- Nope.

Q. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
- I would like to change it to Nicole or Samantha just because I wanted to be called Nic or Sam for a nickname. But what I would really want to happen is if my nickname-TRIXIE-was my REAL name instead of _______. :)

Q. What color do you think looks best on you?
- White, moss green, black and pale pink.

Q. Have you ever swallowed a non-food item?
- Hmm, good question. I can't think or remember any.


Q. Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100?
- Abso-fuckin-lutely. Kahit walang $100 I'd do it, basta type ko of course. Yes, I am naughty.

Q. Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000?
- FUCK NO. That I wouldn't do even for all the riches in the world.

Q. Would you never blog again for $50,000
- No.

Q. Would you pose naked in a magazine for $250,000?
- No. Wait. Possibly. Haha! If I had a flawless body I would tho!

Q. Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
- Next question please :)

Q. Would you, without fear of punishment, take a human life for $1,000,000?


Q: What is in your left pocket?
- No left pocket.

Q: Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie?
- YES. :)) GOSH!?!

Q: Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house?
- hardwood which I wish were tiles or marble instead

Q: Do you sit or stand in the shower?
- I don't shower. I'm more Filipino when I take a bath. I use a bath tab. batsa and tabo haha

Q: How many pairs of flip flops do you
- 2


Q: Last person who texted you?
- Arence Pineda

Q: Last person who called u?
- On the phone, James Jimenez. Personally, my mom.

Q: Person you hugged?
- mom


Q: Number?
- 14

Q: Season?
- Is holy week a season? I guess not. Christmas and Summer.

Q: Color?
- Black, white, green and pink


Q: Missing someone?
- Yes

Q: Mood?
- Normal but really hot - literally.

Q: Listening to?
- Nothing

Q: Watching?
- Nothing

Q: Worrying about?
- going to work again. haha

Q: Wearing?
- Boxers with robots


Q: First place you went this morning?
- the bathroom

Q: What can you not wait to do?
- go to the beach with Arence :)

Q: Do you smile often?
- Tama lang. I laugh often, smile is tama lang.

Q: Are you a friendly person?
- I am. BUT, I can be a real introvert at times.

Halatang walang magawa, nonetheless, atleast you've discovered something new today about the author of this blog (bulok blog) lolz.

Monday, April 14, 2008

day offs

I finally got to REST during my day off. The past several weeks were really exhausting. Yes, I was up for more than 24 hours yesterday but I was satisfied with the sleep I got today. It rained, meaning really cool air in the afternoon. It was the first time I ever got to hangout again in my room - you know, stay in bed and watch some DVDs and basically just hangout inside my space. It was a good afternoon.

It's still raining a bit (which I wished for by the way last night) and I am perfectly enjoying the weather. I hope that it rains more often this summer. The heat is so annoying not only for me, but for everyone else.

Yesterday, right after work at 4am, I headed straight to Arence's place. Was supposed to sleep but he woke up and we couldn't get back to resting. So we cuddled in his oh so comfy bed while we talked about our week. I missed him so much I couldn't stop hugging the guy. It was our 38th month last Saturday so to celebrate, we were supposed to have breakfast at Northern Brew. Unfortunately, when it was time to go, we got sleepy haha Woke up around noon then headed to our place. Had lunch there - puttanesca pasta and mango float. YUMINNESS! Then we got bored (and got really hot - literally) so we went to SM Clark. After 20 mins of being there, we got bored again and decided to head to SM Pamp. We went to Toy Kingdom and Arence finally got to buy his Ironman toy. And we eventually got to have our date there as well. BurgerKing is always a fun place to eat but the burger we chose today wasn't satisfactory. We still both prefer the original Whoppers.

That evening, I attended my grandma' 84th birthday. It was a fun celebration. Close relatives were the only ones invited (poor Arence because he was already invited by mum but after she received a text message about the invites only, he wasn't able to come and see lola). The food was great as usual. Lola and I got to talk which is always amusing and funny. She asked about how I was doing with work and if I was enjoying it. I told her that I did and she said "You should enjoy your work or you won't be happy", or something like that. We only stayed there for an hour or so because Mike had to leave for Manila. Too bad I wasn't there to have some cake tho!

My first day off for the week was tiring but nonetheless very worthwile. I enjoyed every minute of it from the day I got off from work to see Arence til spending time with my family in the evening. I wish every day off were like this.. Anyhu, gota run. My posting/journalism abilities are slowly deteriorating (feeling ko lang) cuz I think my entries get more draggy everytime. Well, that's life. And I'm guessing that nobody reads my blog anyway so that's good :D haha Gahd I miss being sarcastic. My Robot says goodnight! Arence gave me this, one of the cutest presents ever :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

what's new?

I know it's been ages since I last wrote anything in here and I pity my blog because it already isn't very exciting to read off in the first place. Anyway, I was reminded by my beautiful morena friend-Ann-to fill up this space and blog about my oh so wonderful life. Yes, I am sarcastic. lolz Well, where the heck do I start? This is what happens when you get yourself into a job. You have no time to do what you normally do-blog, watch tv, spend quality time with family and friends, even read the newspaper. My room is such a mess cuz I have no time to clean it. I even have no time to procrastinate!? Hmm. Okay, I'll stop yapping. Here goes...

So my little brother graduated 2 weeks ago. It was a fun event. First time to ever be back in HFA and I really couldn't tell if I was happy about it or not. But I did enjoy singing our alma matter song at the end of the ceremony, that was a blast. After that we headed off to my cousins for the celebration. Good food. Saw lola which is always great, man did I miss her. Had tons of fun that night even if we stayed only for a while.

By the way, my brother got his hair straighten which is funny. He looks like KevJumba! :D

A week after (I think), Arence and I went to SM. And I got to buy my very first watch. And when I mean watch, I mean like the REAL watches, the expensive ones. Only thing is mine doesn't look expensive at all. It just looks really really cool hehehe Finally got the StarWars Lego watch I was looking for. It wasn't the design I wanted (although I love R2D2), I bought it anyway. I wanted the Star Trooper but they didn't have it here in SM Pamp. We saw all 4 designs in Galle. Should have bought it when I had the chance. Anyway, I LOVES IT. Didn't know blue would look good on my wrist.


Last Saturday, I got to meet up with my HS kada. It was nice to see them, I was especially thrilled to see Edz cuz I miss my baking buddy so much na. We went to Maan's to see her baby boy GAB. He is the cutest little thing! Took photos while we were there (of course naman). Baby Gab is a natural. Everytime we take a picture, he seems to know and suddenly opens his eyes if they're closed. After staying at Maan's, we went to the wake of one our college friends' dad who passed away. My college classmates were there too which was super cuz I miss them dearly.

Oh, and my kuya celebrated his birthday last Saturday. Too bad I had work.

My mom and my 3 fugly brothers! lolz

Howkay, that's all I can remember for now. Hopefully I can update this as much as I can. I better get some rest cuz I've been up for more that 15hours already. Later readers! (if there are any of you out there). ^_^

Oh and I just remembered, I had my hair rebonded and so far, it's holding up pretty well. Haven't had a bad hair day since. :)