Friday, November 30, 2007

i saw them march through the streets

I never would have guessed that when Arence and I saw the Magdalo soldiers yesterday on our way to Ayala, something historical was already happening - historically pathetic that is.

Yesterday was just supposed to be any other normal rainy day in the Philippines, but a big thunderstorm was present, just hiding amongst the clouds waiting.. waiting to strike the earth any minute.

As Arence, I and some other jeepney passengers witnessed the march along the streets of Makati, I couldn't help but ask myself, "Ano nanaman to?". I never would have thought that a 'situation' was in progress. I never would have thought that I would be this terror-stricken again. All we wanted that day was to find the Ateneo Prof. School and maybe head to Glorietta and Trinoma if we had the extra time (which we apparently had) and that was it. We didn't want to see soldiers wearing arms bands with the insignia of the sun moving about on one of the busiest streets in Manila. I should've taken a photo when I had the chance but I was too preoccupied with my own thoughts that moment that I didn't bother taking out my camera.

It was the first time that I wanted to go home so badly during a day out in Manila. Normally I would insist on staying till late, but either way, I still had to leave at once because we were only commuting and we had to travel back to Cubao from Trinoma to catch the last bus trips. I couldn't wait to get home. I was so scared from all the text messages that I was getting last night like "Oh shit, may curfew na! 12am-5am. Martial law na ata". It was the first time too that I got scared to watch the bus TV because of all the effin drama Trillanes caused. Soldiers everywhere with guns, tanks going through hotels, people being arrested because they were just doing their jobs. It was CHAOS.

I was at the store today, and I brought the daily paper with me to read the news. The whole first section of the newspaper was all about the 'situation' that happened yesterday. It was written all over the front page and even on the scattered columns on the inside. I read ALL of them. And for the first time, I READ the papers. Trillanes here, Lim there, a Gloria on the side and a judge who is pissed. So many characters to a rather complicated and senseless story.

I pity for what happened to the Manila Peninsula and for all the guests who were checked-in when the incident happened. I read in the paper that there was even a couple who just got married and were supposed to have the reception at the Pen that evening but I guess it never happened because Trillanes is a big A-hole. I can't believe they destroyed the Pen main entry way with an effin tank. BOO YOU SOLDIERS!! If you're such a fan of guns and all that shit, go and make an action movie instead! Don't blow up hotels and other places that shouldn't be blown up you know. I can see a movie trilogy in the making wherein the words Trillanes, Oakwood and Manila Pen being on the titles. Or maybe not.

If I were to choose over Trillanes and P*****inang Gloria Macapagal Arroyo aka PGMA (hahaha), I would choose the former. Why? At least he's taking steps to change for the better, un nga lang mali ang banat nya. TSKTSK. And because I think he's the lesser evil.


Haaay sana masolusyonan na to. Nakakahiya ang Pilipinas. Nakakahiya! Everyone responsible for this should be ashamed of themselves and die and go to hell.


World Of Chicken is HEAVEN.

Still can't stop thinking about this orgasmic meal.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

look at the moon!

I kept texting that message last night to people. Were you able to get a glimpse of it? I tried taking some photos of the beautiful thing but all I could'nt get the whole thing. It was too big! I just wished that I was with Arence last night so we could've stayed at the park or either at their place to gaze up at the moon. It was the most overwhelming thing I've seen in a long time. I love anything that has to do with the sky- stars, the clouds, the moon - everything.

It was a good thing that I had this spur of the moment idea of texting my friends to have coffee last night. I miss them a lot and having coffee at Northern Brew was the ultimate get together date. I felt kinda out of place being around the three of them just because they were in their school uniforms. I miss wearing my uniform especially when I wear my slighty loose black pants which I actually don't know what material it's made of. We talked, laughed and I even made their brains almost burst from that probing question I gave them. It was so funny how they were all thinking really hard what the answer might be and it took them almost an hour and a half before Cai "accidentally" answered the problem! haha We weren't able to take photos of ourselves together last night because we were too busy talking and gossiping. Yes I gossip! But only when I feel like it ^_^ I hope that everyone of my barkada will be present in the next get together. The last time that we were all together I think was when they had a surprise birthday party for me which was like 2 or 3 years ago. Man is that a looong time.

Tomorrow is the big day. THE Reunion. I hope everything goes well. Now I'm off to another biglaan date with my highschool friends this evening. Camalig here I come!

Friday, November 23, 2007

i think i can i think i can

Because I was always making excuses that I won't do certain things because I wore a back brace, I did the unthinkable - I washed all my clothes that were piling up in my laundry basket inside my closet today. I "shouldn't" be doing such a task but I was running out of clean clothes to wear that it was imperative that I do the laundry even if my lazy-ass-full-of-excuses-not-to-wash-the-clothes self disagrees. Amazingly, I finished washing more than 30 shirts, under garments, 3 pajamas and several pairs of socks all in just 4 hours! (applause) I am very proud of my lazy-ass-full-of-excuse self. Yes I AM. And I would also want to acknoledge Arence for encouraging me to do so (even if he made it sound like that I was really full of excuses and that I looked like the laziest person there is next to him). lol juuuuuuuuust kidding.

It's been a busy week eversince my relatives (aunt, uncle and cuz) came home from Hawaii last Sunday. Everyone was trying to grab a hold of them since they got here meaning lunch dates here and dinner dates there. My cousin Ara must feel really exhausted everyday but thank gahd for entertainment technologies, he has my brother's DSLite to get herself adddicted with.

After days of not being able to spend time with Ara, I was given the opporunity yesterday. My mom, my aunt, Ara and I went out and had afternoons snacks at Perfect Loaf. Then we headed to Nepo Mall to look at some outfits she needed for an event back in Hawaii. I got her to try FIC and she loved it! I finally got my FIC craving done with yesterday and I was really happy to have had that avocado ice cream touch my tongue once more.

This is my quirky cousin Ara. :)

♥ She loves to eat.
♥Is apparantly a bit of a bookworm (currently reading Love in the Time of Cholera)
♥Very fashionable (she's wearing skinny jeans and chuck taylors in the photo)
♥Is addicted to Cooking Mama and Brain Age
♥Doesn't like Sudoku
♥Is taller than me and she's only 16! (she's 5"7)
♥Witty, outspoken and funny
♥And she makes me laugh a lot!
I love 'er. :3

I have so much fun with Ara for so many reasons. I could only wish that she and her family lived here in the Philippines instead. Ara's dad is I think in the army or navy so they constantly shift from one country to another. She's lucky cuz she's been to a lot of places already. I envy her a lot because they once lived in Japan. This coming Sunday, everyone from my mom's side of the family will be having this grand reunion and we'll all be heading off to GreenHills. I just hope that I have money then or else I'm going to freak if I see something there that I want to buy that I won't get to acquire due to lack of paper currency. I desperately need a job. Yes I do. :3

Hoookay! Now I'm off to my coffee date with friends. It's funny that I was the one who set the date but am the one who is apparantly late for it. haha LATER!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

HFA, hair frustrations & a funeral

Recently, my youngest brother, Daryl, has been borrowing the camera and taking it to school. I got a glimpse of some of the photos he shot and it got me feeling really nostalgic as I scanned through the cam. I kinda miss high-school.. I can give you a lot of reasons why, but the best one would be is because I miss the FOOOOOODD! They serve the best caldereta and pork barbecue at the cafeteria. Shet, now I'm hungry.. *grunts

(mi alma mater!)

(I miss this part of the school. I love the trees)

(mukhang mabait ang guard nila ah..)

(hey, allowed na ba yung cellphones?..)

(some sand art, really cool)

( I wonder which wall this is painted on..)

If I only had a digicam when I was still in HS, I would've had tons of memories of one of the best years of my life. (yaaak senti mode ba?)

In fairness, maganda mga kuha ni brother dear ah? Next family photographer? I hope so! Para naman I'll be visible in pictures more next time. It's hard being a photographer because instead of being in the photos, you take them.

I was at the store again today. I found out that after minutes of arriving, my relatives left to attend a funeral and my lola was left behind. I felt kind of guilty because she wasn't able to go because she thought that I wasn't coming over. Mom told me to come over today in the afternoon but she didn't specify what time so I didn't know. I can't help but still feel guilty until now even if lola said that she didn't mind. *sigh.

Being at the store nowadays is really bumming me out. Nobody's buying, it's cold and I'm always the target of mosquitoes who won't quit biting me! I'm tired of playing Mario and Brain Age on the DS every time I'm there. I was this close to cutting my hair just because the scissors was right infront of me and I couldn't find anything else to do. I miss cutting my hair.. I really need to have my hair cut but I'm too frikin scared of every gay haircutter here in Angeles! They always seem to find a way to cut my hair the way I don't want it to. (shrrrruuugg) Someday, I'll have one of the raddest locks in town. You'll see.


Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sabbath PIZZA!

Well, it's Sunday already which means another week is history. Days are casually passing by real fast and it's hard for me to notice the days and nights. It's getting chillier in the evening even so in the afternoons. Maybe it's the Christmas air? Or maybe it's just me. Whatever it is, it feels really good..

After attending mass with the family, my dad decided to treat us for an afternoon snack. We had a nice outdoor afternoon delight at the comfy ambiance of Camalig. We never dined outside the restaurant because it was always to noisy due to the live bands who play there in the evenings. Come to think of it, we haven't eaten at Camalig in a very long time now. It was a real treat for all of us to have had this time for some family bonding. Mom was telling Mike all about the 'cellphone' incident. Mike, Daryl and I got to talk too about games and about how I wanted to have a DSLite of my own. Oh and Mike went to the KOMIKON yesterday and I hate him! haha just kidding. Dad was narrating how he accidentally had his lost number loaded with P35 worth of credits which was funny. I'm glad he's not to the type who loads large amounts of credit or else masyado nang sineswerte ung nakapulot ng phone nya noh!

(mom, Mike texting)

(dad making kwento)


I really really have to see my dentist nah because I'm one month overdued with my monthly checkup and I need to have my tooth/teeth looked at because they have been aching for the past days and I can't stand it gadamit. In other news, my tita, her husband and my cousin Ara are coming home from Hawaii tonight. Can't wait to see them. Anyways, I really need some rest. I slept around 4am because I could'nt sleep then I played some Mario on D's DSLite til my eyes popped out. Man that game's sooo frustrating!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

bad luck strikes again

My dad was never lucky with cellphones. He lost I think 3 units in the past and last night, he lost his brand new N6300 phone again. I honestly don't know whether to be irritated at the situation or to pity my dad for the unfortunate incident. It's either he's really too careless or that thieves around this neighborhood are really good at pick-pocketing.

I hate seeing my dad sad because it affects me greatly. I was so not in the mood yesterday because of some things, that instead of comforting him, I just sat there on my bed staring at him as he uttered the words "I lost my phone". I did say that I was sorry for what happened but that was it and it wasn't enough. It's really hard for me to put aside my own personal feelings in these kinds of situations especially if I'm really not in a good and sympathetic mood. I feel so guilty that I wasn't 'there' for him when he needed someone. How I wish so badly that whoever took his phone burn in hell over and over again. But what's the point in wishing, I just hope when he meets KARMA, he gets the worst casualty ever.

I wish that we could live in a world filled with honesty and honest people. If such an ideal world would ever exist, cellphones and other valuable belongings would always find their way back home and nothing would ever be lost. Too bad we live in a world called 'reality'.. If my dad's luck changes, I would be very grateful..

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

cramp it up

I just really hate first days. In girl world that means the first day of the menstrual cycle and this also means the monthly dysmenorrhea. For all you MALE species out there, DYSMENORRHEA aka cramps or painful menstruation, involves menstrual periods that are accompanied by either sharp, intermittent pain or dull, aching pain, usually in the pelvis or lower abdomen. This pain may precede menstruation by several days or may accompany it, and it usually subsides as menstruation tapers off. Talk about agony every month.

I never had dysmenorrhea until college and can I tell you that it's one of the most painful experiences that a girl/woman could undergo in her life besides the occassional heartbreaks and pregnancy to name a few. It's so unfair that only FEMALES get to endure this because I really think that guys should have the monthly menstruation too gadamit! Guys should suffer more than us women for so many reasons I won't dare say (for the sake of pride and public humiliation). Sometimes, I really wish I was born a boy instead. Boys get their sesinep's cut and that's it. US? We get our dose of excruciating pain every month til we're reach our 50's. I can't wait til I'm menopaused already. hahaha oh crap.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Komikon 2007

I want to attend this!! I want to see Pol Medina Jr.!!!

33 months

It was our 33rd month yesterday.
We had a long walk to Nepo mall and back just to buy some chocolate and gummy bears.
I treated ourselves to one delicious avocado ice cream at FIC.
I still can't believe I went out in my My Little Pony designed pajamas.
Got to watch Kasal, Kasalo, Kasali at home and maybe half of Knocked Up.
(we had to stop watching it because my folks were home and all we ever heard from the movie was the word FUCK! lol)

The pictures say it all.
I love him and he loves me.
That's all what really matters. :) ♥

Sunday, November 11, 2007

breakfast at tiffany's

Actually it's breakfast at "Northern Brew", I just thought Breakfast at Tiffany's was a neat title for the entry. *teehee

Having breakfast with Arence is always an amazing experience. I never did eat my morning meals but whenever the both of us get to share this one little part of the day together, I just know that the rest of my day will be great. Breakfast is also a tad bit better when we have it at Northern Brew because they serve an eat-all-you can buffet every Sunday which only cost P99! I always loved having breakfast in cafe's (and McDonald's too) because they are such cozy places.

It was a real treat for the both of us to have had breakfast together this week. Breakfast was good and the day was even better with the sun shining brightly in the morning sky. We haven't really been out on a "date" eversince gahd knows when and this past Sunday was our lucky break. It's nice to know that we are still able to go out once in a while, especially when I'm not going to school anymore (meaning no MOOLAH for me). Anywyas, date or no dates, I still love this guy to pieces. ♥

After that wonderful brekfast, I hurriedly went to Bartmall to meet up with my friends and classmates for our so-called closing party-slash-reunion. Since everyone from the class are mostly 4th year students and will be taking their practicum anytime soon (meaning we might not get to have these kinds of get togethers in a long time), they decided to have a closing party which we had at Villa Antonina, a resort in Baliti.

It was my first time at the resort and may I say that it is darn beautiful. It was even better than that resort we went to on our last class trip to Batangas and it cost us thousands! We swam in all 5 (i think) pools that day and took pictures along the way. I'm so funny to bring my cam everywhere including to pool areas but what the heck, it's still alive and I've got loads of photos to remember the day by.

Having this closing party with my classmtes has been fun and I am already looking forward to our next get together. Maybe the next one is a trip to Bagiuo or somewhere far from home! *fingers crossed ^_^

Saturday, November 10, 2007

crickets anyone?

Guess what I had for dinner this evening? I had camaro! And it didn't taste gooood!! hahaha And I thought that they would taste just like chicken but I guess I was wrong. They looked really interesting as I got a tablespoon of them from the table onto my plate. I actually didn't notice them at first until I asked to confirm if it was one of the many authentic delicacies kapampangans make and they said that it was the real thing. I'm really not sure how they would prepare camaro but the one I had was apparantly cooked adobo style. It didn't even come close to tasting like soy sauce to me. Man did I get a kick from them crickets! They almost made me barf when I had one on my plate that resembled a cockroaches' belly! Like EWW?! But at any rate, I was psyched that I even got to try them (even if the results were disgusting). There's always a first for everything, and this will also probably be my last too. I'm never eating camaro again! I don't care if that guy from Bizarre Foods loves them, I'd rather eat frog legs instead thank you very much.

I'm having breakfast with Arence tomorrow morning at Northern Brew. Nothing beats a breakfast buffet on a Sunday. Then right after, it's swimming time for me and the rest of my classmates at Villa Antonina. Can't wait! :)

Thursday, November 8, 2007

brownout madness

I had this strange, kinda scary dream the other night. I was being chased by angry-zombie-ish cats at a wedding! It's like Resident Evil only felines! haha It was quite funny afterwards but after waking up from that terrible dream, my body was oddly achey and because of that I wasn't able to go to the store today. *boohoo.

I stayed at home the whole day doing nothing but watch tv and surf the net with our 50.6kbps connection. I kinda wished I went to the store instead but it was too late already when I felt like it. After having mirienda, I decided to sleep the rest of the afternoon off and wake up to dinner, which did happen.

Because it was soo hoot this afternoon, the only thing that could possibly happen next is rain. I like it when it rains and when I'm at home. My room becomes really comfy to hangout in and produces this very relaxing ambiance that makes me want to lie in bed and sleep the rest of the day (or night) through.

Arence came by the house this evening. It's been a few days since he last visited and I was quite thrilled to see him at our house again. Mom and dad were quite happy to see him too judging from their faces when he went to make mano.

We hung-out at my room like we usually do then after that, watched some tv when all of a sudden, all the lights went out. BROWNOUT man. How lucky were we? So with nothing to do besides play Mario on my brother's DSLite, we had some fun camwhoring with CROCKY (my toy/stuffed animal thingy) and the rest of some of the toys in my room including DOMOKUN.

We are such big dorks playing with toys in the dark not to mention take pictures in the dark. We had a blast making these goofy expressions with CROCKY, it was HILARIOUS! We even made DOMOKUN look like he was attacking my incomplete Nightmare Before Christmas georama which was a total trip. I never knew how much fun you could have on brownouts. Playing in the dark is FUN! Wait, that didn't sound right? lolz After more than forty minutes of darkness, finally there was light. We both headed back to the living room to watch tv and waddaya know, MIAMI INK was on. Yay! :)


For the complete photos of the wacky night, you can check out my multiply site. (if you can't seem to find them in there, it's either I haven't finished uploading them all yet or I've put it on private mode. Will post as soon as possible). Thank you.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

lola keeps the garden green

It was a very boring day at the store this afternoon. As in reeeaaallly boring. Nobody was buying and I really had nothing productive to do. Well, besides the usual texting routine, I read some old Archie comics this time and the daily paper and that was it. But then! I realized that I was bringing the camera with me so I decided to get it out of my bag and take some photos in the area. I saw lola doing her gardening rituals like she does almost every afternoon and I thought that she and the plants around would be a great subject.

Lola loves to take care of her plants and flowers in the garden. She's a natural green-thumb! Can you believe that she still cuts the overgrown plants and grass with that big 'ol pair of garden scissors? And she's 80 years-old might I add. My lola is one of the strongest and hardworking people I know. At her age, she still manages to tend the store from 5am-6pm, washes the clothes, cooks and still has time to garden. WONDER LOLA. hihi

My lola has a variety of plants and flowers growing in her garden. She has a lot of plants including a diverse collection of cactus plants, a chili plant, an orchid one and even lilies. The others I really don't know what they are but they are beautiful. I love her cactus collection. She has so many kinds with different shapes, sizes and colors. They really are fascinating to look at. The first time I saw them I kept playing with the thorns. Then there's my favorite flower, the LILY. I didn't even know that she grew lilies in the garden until I saw them one time ago. They are not my favorite kind ( I simply adore STARGAZERS and the white lilies), nevertheless, they still look really pretty.

(these photos look familiar..)